Chapter 2

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Quote of the Chapter
"Show me what I can see when the spark in my eyes is gone"
-Bring me the horizon-
-Follow You-


I start to swing after about five minutes I slow down and just sit there. I sigh and get ready to leave when I feel a hand cover my mouth
I freeze sue to the contact of the cold skin, yet I don't feel scared I feel safe. If I were to die at this moment I would oddly be happy. Due to the fact that any sane person would freak out is sort of throwing me off. What's wrong with me? And I so fuvked up that I can't even freak out when I'm near my death or being kidnapped?

I slowly start to turn my head but it's stopped in a swift motion "Don't move, the moon light is hitting you perfectly" a deep raspy all to familiar voice whispers in my ear ever so lightly. I go ridgid with the memories of that day flooding in

--- Flash Back---
All of them were laying there dead my mom dad and brother. My beautiful family, they never did nothing bad in their life why did this happen again. What did I do to deserve the pain that I go through on a daily.

Their body or what was left of them will diver haunt me.

--Jeff's pov--

I look at her, she looks beautiful under the moon light, the way her hair moves with the light wind blowing tonight. The cute way her feet can't reach the ground due to her height. She's like a porcelain doll so fragile and perfect in every sense. Her dark brown doe eyes that show nothing but innocents her full lips her long black hair. How can anyone hate her perfection? How can anyone treat her like she's trash?

Tonight I vow that from this day forth no one will harm her. No one will cause her any pain. Those who do will no longer live. For they don't deserve to if they can't appreciate her perfection.

And for any man other than me approaches her shall not live, she's mine forever. She has no say in the matter, I am the only one who will loves her like she is the only women in the world. Because she is the only one I let live, her beauty should be shown to the world not rotting six feet under with those who lost purpose to the world. She is the only one I will love.

I walk behind her I've watched her for a good while and it's past midnight. I see her start to turn her head. Frightened at the thought she'll leave once she sees it's me, I stop her from turning. I whisper in her ear "Don't move, the moon light is hitting you perfectly." Which she does. How can someone not see that? A light wind gust blows through and she shivers I notice that she has no sweater. I remove my hand from her and take it off and hand it to her. "Here you need it more than me" she grabs the sweater and puts it on but it's a few sizes to big for her reaching down to her knees and we'll past her finger tips. I have to suppress the smile coming to my lips.

"Thank you" I light angelic voice says to me. I feel my heart warm which is odd. "For everything," she turns around and hugs me, I'm frozen in shock I feel my heart beat increase from the contact her warm skin send sparks through my body.  But all to soon it's gone, I look down and see she has stepped back and sat back on the swing.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I ment it when I said thank you. I know it was you who kill Amyand Blake, that was your way of saying sorry for my family. Which I never understood why you killed them and not me. I was there I watched it all and you just can't understand why you let me live. Out of all people." I see a tear slide down "Why Jeff?" The sound of my name coming out of her mouth was the best sounding thing I've ever heard.

I sigh and look at her immediately looking away because I can see the pain in her eyes and I can't face the fact that it's from me. "I.. I did it because you deserved to live. As much as you don't believe it it's true. Your family were horrible people and they were slowly falling apart, getting involved with bad people. I couldn't see no I couldn't even think of you going through the pain that they were going through. So I took their lives."

I look down at her and she looks surprised, she doesn't look sad or mad. But her eyes say something different that I can't quiet read. She gives me a small smile "You're beautiful you know." She takes me by surprise. Never ice has anyone called me beautiful. My own parents were horrified of me and I killed them for it. The only other person who's thought of me as beautiful is me.

This girl never seems to amaze me "You think I'm beautiful?" I ask. She smiles and miss her head looking down but I see the light blush covering her cheeks. Then a thought pops in my head. "Lets get away from here. Just you and me, no more society no more problems just us. I have a house in the forest. What do you say?"

Heyo guys, so what did you think? I got exciting news about the book. It's ranked #987 in horror. I know it's not that big of a deal but it is to me. Thank you guys so much. As always leave comments about what you think I'm always open yo critizem good or bad. And if you want something added PM me I always reply to them if I'm not busy with work or softball. Thank you again guys.

Have a lovely day unicorn

Jeff The Killers GirlWhere stories live. Discover now