Forgotten Part 10

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Harry and Louis enjoys the busride without talking much. Louis reaches over to kiss Harry's cheek which makes Harry blush.

"Hey Harry?" Louis whispered and Harry turned his head.

"I love you" Louis said with a smile. Harry rolled his eyes and looked out of the window again.

Soon they would be at the arena where he set up to meet up with Eleanor.

Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn got out of the bus and went straight in to the arena.

"Shouldn't we talk to our fans?" Liam asked the other guys. Harry sighed again, like always, and rolled his eyes.

"We don't have fans" Harry snapped and turned away from Liam. He just needed to find the place where he was suppose to meet up with Eleanor.

"Harry come on, don't be so grumpy" Niall teased and pushed him. Harry just grunted and walked trough the corridors at the arena.

Now Niall had become the most vain of them all, buying designer clothes and fixing his hair like there was no tomorrow. Harry just had to admit that Niall was good looking. Maybe even hotter than his Louis? Harry swiped that thought away. Louis was better looking than everybody else, exept for Eleanor.

When Harry though about it, it became clear to him that Louis and Eleanor really were eachothers perfect matches. They were eachothers perfect partners, and Harry was the awkward third wheele in this lovestory.

"Harry?" Louis asked, grabbing onto his arm. Louis pulled Harry into the big dressing room they had been assigned. All of the bandmembers clothes were neatly folded into piles, one for each of them, and Harry scanned with his eyes after his.

Zayn held the ripped jeans that were in his pile up and he looked scepticly at them.

"I'm supposed to wear these?" He asked the other ans they nodded. "But I'm not twenty anymore" Zayn sighed, throwing the jeans at the table.

"I know, Zayn, time goes fast when you get older" Niall said, patting his friend on the back.

"But my years have gone by too fast" Zayn said. "I filled all my time with alcohol and drugs, and always having to sleep my rush off" Zayn sighed. Niall saw how his friend was starting to tear up.

"I can't live like this anymore" Zayn cried and rested his face in the palms of his hands.

"Guys, please, we are here to have fun!" Louis yelled and Liam backed him up. "This night nothing matters!" Louis said and Liam kept cheering him on. 

"That's right Lou" Harry said, giving Louis a hug. At that exact moment someone knocked on their door. Harry's first thought was that it would be some kind of crazy fangirl, but when the door opened he was chocked.

"Eleanor!?" Louis almost screamed. He seemed happy that she had came. Maybe Louis though that she came to see him?

"Shut up, Louis, I'm not here for you" She snapped, keeping her eyes locked in Harry's geen once. Niall, Zayn and Liam looked at eachother. They had no idea of what was going on.

"They why did you come?" Niall asked before Liams arm was wrapped around his shoulders.

"I am here for my son" She answered and Simon came running against her. "And I am here for Harry" She said and a smile appeared on his face. Harry picked Simon up in his arms and then ran against Eleanor with the kid in his arms.

"I'm glad you came" Harry whispered before handing Simon over to her and pushing his lips against hers. 

"That's not your song" Eleanor whispered back befor winking at Harry and leaving the room. The four other guys' jaws dropped to the floor and they all looked at Harry.

"Harry?" Louis cried. "What the fuck was that?" 

"I'm so sorry, Lou, I dont know what happened" Harry tried to excuse himself.

"Shut up Harry" Louis said. "This is worse than killing her" Louis cried again. "Seeing her with by so called best friend!" He screemed, walking over towards Harry.

"Louis, calm down" Harry said but the next second Louis' fist slammed against Harry's perfect jawline and his knuckles berried deep in to Harry's cheeks.

"What the fuck Louis?!" Harry yelled, wiping the blood of his cheek before trowing his own fist in Louis' face.

Louis grabbed a fistful of Harry's long curly hair and slammed his friend into the wall. Harry screamed in pain before turning back to Louis, punching him twice. One time right in his stomach and the other one at his nose.

Louis was about to fall backwards when Harry caught him in his arms.

"I'm sorry Lou" Harry said before letting his friend fall to the floor.

Harry wiped some blood from his jawline, where a deep cut had appeared. Harry had been in fights before, but at this age he was afraid to spring his back or something.

"I'll see you in an hour" Harry said before doing a salut towards his three friends and leaving the room.

Harry ran down the corridors looking for Eleanor, and he found her sitting in a group of armchairs in the back stage lounge area.

"Eleanor" He exhaled when he arrived by her side.

"Harry! What happend? Are you okay?" She asked and stood up by his side.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Harry said while Eleanor touched his wounds with the tip of her soft fingers.

"No, Harry, you're not" She said and looked at the ammount of blood pouring out of his skin.

"Seriously, I am" Harry said and he felt Eleanor's hand wrap around his. She pulled him with her towards a first-aid box stuck to the wall outside the bathrooms. She cleaned his cheek up before covering it with a bandaid.

"Better?" She asked and he nodded. Harry really felt like a baby in thr care of his mother. He really loved Eleanor.

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