Out of the Picture

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I stand up and bend over just a bit so I can hug my brother. I squeezed him tight in reassurance. In a way that says, hey Sammy, you're my little brother and I love you. I hope you'll forgive me.

And also I hope you are able to leave that bitch ass Wesly after the talk we just had.

"You know what you have to do, Sammy? About Wesly."

He nods, entranced by his thoughts.

"Because if you don't do something, then I will. And trust me, Sam, that it won't be pretty." I warn.

The nurse walks in with a clipboard and smiles at my brother, in which he returns an equally heartwarming smile that you could almost tell wasn't fake.

"Looks like Prince Charming has woken up," the nurse chirps.

A man walks in and places a firm hand on her shoulder. "Not only is he Prince Charming, but he's also my gay lover."

"Ah, Wesly!" I say, artificially excited to finally be in his presence after all these years. "You're still just as charming!"

His face contorts into a disgusted expression for a split second before it retreats into a grin. "Deano! Nice to see ya again!"

"You can cut the shit, Wesly. I'm not your brother-in-law, nor will I ever be! You and Sam are over now. I know you did this to him and I know what you've been doing."

The nurse pauses from taking note of Sam's state and says, "Well, it looks like Prince Charming's my gay lover now," followed by a wink. She clicks her pen on the clipboard. "We're going to run a few more tests, Dean, and then Sam will be released to you in a couple of hours."

"Thanks, nurse Amelia!" I smile as she walks out. "See that, Wes? Amy cares about Sam's well-being."

"Dean. Stop." Sam says.

"You are free to leave now," I tell Wes. "You're done. Find another drum to beat on, you dick."

"Dean!" Sam shouts.

Wes balls his fist tightly and looks at Sam. "Is this what you want, Love?"

What could this bastard possibly know about love?

"You don't need to ask him," I tell Wesly. "It's over when I say it is over. And Buddy... It's definitely over."

A doctor - More like Doctor Sexy though, damn - pointlessly knocks on the door and walks in, despite not actually being told he could enter.

"I'm sure Nurse Amelia informed you about a few more tests we would be doing on Samuel here. It shouldn't take long," he says as he helps Sam from his bed and sets him in a wheel chair.  I nod and wave at Sam as he is wheeled away.

"Don't do anything worth regretting," Sam directs to me and then looks between Wesly and I.

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