00: negotiation (prologue)

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"Byun Baekhyun, for the last fucking time, I am not going on a vacation! You know I still have to watch Taeyong and Jaehyun while their parents are working overseas." Kim Junmyeon groaned to a pouting five-- nineteen year-old.

"Hey, can't Taeyeon take the kids? I mean, this bitch is basically free all year." Baekhyun scoffed, earning a smack from Junmyeon against his head.

"Listen Byun, I could care less if your little goblin was flirting with your ex aka, my sister. I still have a shop to run, kids to watch, and I should be studying for entrance exams." Junmyeon was about to explode. Baekhyun has never been so obnoxious.

"Eh... the school year doesn't even start until September. We still have a month, don't we?" The puppy tilted his head, waiting for Junmyeon to answer.

"I..." Junmyeon spoke, filling Baekhyun with hope. "Don't care." A groan was followed instantly.

"Myeonnie, can't you at least cheer up or something? This entire summer was just us working at some shitty café, selling iced americano to the same couple each day."

A sudden knock on Junmyeon's door was heard. He went over to check before a herd of children came barging in.

"What the--" "Junmyeon-hyung?" Jaehyun looked up to Junmyeon. "Since you are watching us and your house is big, I invited some friends over. I hope that is no problem?"

Some friends? More like social gathering for fucks sake!

Junmyeon could only send Baekhyun a signal, asking for help. That only resulted in the puppy laughing as he yells something to the children.

"Hey kids! Junmyeon-hyung has a surprise for you. It's outside in the backyard. Whoever can find the surprise will get a gift!" The boys started sprinting towards the entrance of the field, except for one boy.

The boy looked much older than the other children. He maintained a stone-cold expression, sitting on the couch. Junmyeon scratched the back of his neck as he approached him. "Um... are you not going to join your friends...?"

The cold guy looked up to Junmyeon, then looked back to the phone he was using.

"I'm only here because Youngho told me to."  He said with a slight lisp.

Youngho must be one of the boys' name. Junmyeon could only nod and return to where he was originally.

"Anyways... Do you really want to watch that gang of boys? So stressful." Baekhyun raised toward the direction of the boys outside.

Junmyeon noticed an object in one of Jaehyun's friend's hands. "IS THAT A DILDO?!" He screamed, face flushing red. Baekhyun could only burst in laughter after seeing his friend's personal items in the hands of a fourteen year-old.

"Dang Myeonnie, that's a big one too. Bet you moan Kris' name hehe..." Baekhyun was in for a slap on the face this time. Junmyeon rolled his eyes and glared at the puppy, who dared to mention his ex's name.

"You know what? Fine. We'll go on a vacation. I'll have Teukie-hyung take care of the kids..."

Baekhyun cheered happily ignoring Junmyeon calling him a prick. "I have an idea where we should go!" The puppy ran up to the second floor to find a brochure. In the meantime, the stone-faced boy cleared his throat.

"There! This is the place." Baekhyun ran down the stairs, pointing to luxurious building on the paper. "It's called Oh en Luxe, sounds fancy right?"

Junmyeon's eyes scanned through and then landed on the price. "45,000,000 WON A NIGHT?! Baekhyun-ah, do you actually think we are that rich?" The stoned faced boy suddenly stood up.

"Are you planning to go there, Baekhyun-ssi?"

Baekhyun's eyes widened. "Yes... and you can also call me hyung."

"Ah yes... Hyung, my father actually owns that resort. I don't know if you would mind, but I haven't seen my father in so long. If you ever go, may I come? I can get you the suites for free, and I will pay for my own travel expenses!" He said, with hope in his eyes.

Junmyeon felt guilty taking advantage of someone younger than him. "That is a lot of money, I don't want you or your father to feel burdened. Besides, you look old enough. Can't you travel alone?"

The boy could only frown. "I have to have an adult sign papers in order for me to travel alone because I am technically still a minor. My mother is away for business reasons and I don't want people to find out I have been alone for the past few months." Baekhyun wanted to cuddle the boy after seeing his disappointed face. "You know what? We'll take the offer, but is it possible for you to leave school earlier before break? Y'know, because you are still a minor?"

Stone-faced boy smiled and nodded his head. "When are you planning to leave and how long? I can make arrangements with my dad."

"In three days. We'll probably stay there for two weeks, the resort has so much to offer!" Baekhyun squealed as Junmyeon sighed. "Leeteuk isn't going to be happy once I tell him we will be gone for two weeks."

Baekhyun nudged him in the stomach. "Hey, you need time to relax and chill. I think this is the perfect place to go to!" The stone-faced boy clapped happily, scaring the two older males who had never seen him so joyful.

"It's settled. Thank you hyungs for taking me with you! By the way, my name is Sehun." He smiled and bowed.


"Baekhyun, what the actual hell did you bring?" Junmyeon groaned as he dragged Baekhyun's luggage to the front door. "Necessities Myeonnie, necessities." He could only roll his eyes after hearing such a stupid statement.

Sehun sat there with his older companions, watching them bicker as time goes on.

"Did you call a taxi to drop us off at the airport?" Junmyeon asked. The puppy only smiled and giggled, "No. We have a different ri-- here they are!"

They? Junmyeon wondered what he meant by they. Just as he turned around, his eyes were about to fall out of his eye sockets.

Baekhyun approached the vehicle and out came nine other boys.

"Road trip!"


what is this
idk why i started another fic even tho im not done with my other ones ;;

im sorry for the cringy grammar mistakes, i wrote this 6am ok ill fix it up later

this one will be semi-long lol, the chapters aren't going to be short as read or sent
btw to those who read those two stories (which i recommend) i have a little surprise coming otw ;)

thx for reading this


(also is yixing actually not gonna be in this year's comeback??? im gonna cry--)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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