Chapter V - A Man's Jealousy

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Kou and I started dating for real. I just realized it now, that ever since the first time I met him, I already had feelings for him. I never thought that I will see him again, but... I'm glad I did. The pain I had since he left me is gone now. What I feel now is pure happiness.

After we confessed to each other that day, he somehow changed. The cold and rude Kou turned into a caring and loving person like just how he was back then. It doesn't really matter if he changes because I like seeing the other sides of Kou. I'm learning knew things about him and I love seeing him being happy always.

We are just spending our school days as usual. The only difference is that we're always together whenever it's break time. I hope these wonderful times together with him will last forever.


After Class Ended

Girl1: Kou, I think I saw Futaba with someone.
Kou: Why should I believe that?
Girl1: *shows a picture* See? It's her.
Kou: *runs off* That girl!(refers to Futaba) What is she thinking? *Calls her*
Futaba: Yes, Kou? What's the matter?
Kou: Where are you?
Futaba: Ah, I'm at a cafe right now, why?
Kou: Are you with someone?
Futaba: Yeah.
Kou: What's the name of the Cafe?
Futaba: Mirai Cafe.
Kou: I'm going there.
Futaba: Eh? Why?
Kou: *ends the call*

30 minutes later, I arrived at the Mirai Cafe and saw Futaba with some other guy.

Kou: Futaba! *runs toward her*
Futaba: Y-Yes?
Kou: Who's this guy?
Futaba: Ah, he's-
???: I'm someone very special to her, got a problem with that?
Kou: What'd you say?!
???: Anyway, who are you?
Kou: I'm his boyfriend.
???: Oh really? Fu-chan, why didn't you wait for me?
Kou: (His even calling her the nickname I made for her!)
Futaba: What are you saying?
???: Sigh, even though I've always told you how much I love you.
Kou: Stop flirting with my girlfriend!
???: Eh? I have the right though... *holds Futaba's hand* 
Kou: Don't! Touch! Her! *pulls her hand away from him* Futaba, let's go.
Futaba: Eh? What's wrong with you?
Kou: I-It's because I don't want seeing you with some other guy.
Futaba: T-That's- Ah! I forgot to pay the bill. Wait for a second.
Kou: It's alright. I already payed for you.
Futaba: You shouldn't have.
Kou: Just let me.

The next day, I saw her again with that guy. They are in an amusement park. Why do I not know about this?

Kou: I guess I'll follow them. *watching them from afar*

Futaba: Ahhh~ The taiyaki was great!
???: Yeah, let's eat here again together! ...Ah, you have something on your face. *wipes off*
Futaba: Thank you.
???: Let's go now to the roller coaster!
Futaba: Alright~!

Mabuchi-sensei: Ahhh, they look so sweet~ <3
Kou: Onii-san, what are you doing here?
Mabuchi-sensei: I was just passing by and when I saw you, I feel like following you since you were acting suspicious. What are you even doing here?
Kou: I-It's none of your business! *blushes*
Mabuchi-sensei: Come on, you can tell onii-san~
Kou: Not telling.
Mabuchi-sensei: Perhaps you are envious of the couple earlier?
Kou: WHAT?! That girl is my...
Mabuchi-sensei: Eh?!?!?! You are already going out with Futaba-chan? What a man you have become.
Kou: Just shut up! 

Mabuchi-sensei: Kou, let's also ride the roller coaster~
Kou: Well, I was planning to do so since I'm following them.

*sits at the back of Futaba and the other guy*

Mabuchi-sensei: Look, Kou! It's moving now!
Kou: D-Don't call my name, they'll know that we're here!

*Roller coaster slowly goes up and falls at a fast speed*

Mabuchi-sensei: WAAAAAH~
Kou: I'm getting sick.. ugh...

After the roller coaster ride ended...

Mabuchi-sensei: That was nice, wasn't it?
Kou: I can't take it anymore.

On the side of Futaba and the other guy:

Futaba: Where should we go next?
???: To the Haunted House!
Futaba: Eh? Will you be okay?
???: D-Don't underestimate me!

Back on the side of Kou and his brother:

Kou: *Fantasizing* Haunted house... I wonder what will happen if Futaba and I went together in there.. maybe she'll cling to my arms while she screams.

That's what I thought what will happen but

Mabuchi-sensei: *clings to Kou* My Otouto! Save me from this evil spirits!
Kou: You know you're not a kid anymore, don't you?
Mabuchi-sensei: *stops being clingy* Ah, you're right. I'm an adult now after all.
*suddenly a white lady appears in front of the mirror Mabuchi-sensei's facing to* WAAAAAH!!!!!!! KOU, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! *holds his arm tighter* DON'T LET GO OF ME!!!!!
Kou: Can you please stop shouting? Anyway, I can't see Futaba here.

???: Fu-chan, are you scared?
Futaba: N-No. Not at all.
???: But why are you walking so strange? It's as if you're a robot.
Futaba: W-What? It's not true at all.
???: It's obvious though... that you're scared. Here, hold my arm.
Futaba: It's okay. I'm fine.
???: Just hold on to it.
Futaba: Alright. *holds his arm*

Kou: Why do I feel so mad, suddenly? Could it be they're doing something strange behind my back? No way, Futaba won't do this to me. She won't betray me.
Mabuchi-sensei: Yes! We're finally going to be outside!

Futaba: What a relief! We're outside now.
???: Yeah, did you enjoy?
Futaba: A lot! 
???: By the way, it looks like they have this event wherein a couple get to dance wearing beautiful dresses. It will be happening later at 6 pm. Do you wanna go?
Futaba: But, Kou is not here. *suddenly trips over something*
???: *catches her* Be careful, okay? I wouldn't want this pretty face of yours to be destroyed.
Futaba: Haha, alright alright. I spaced out for a minute. *suddenly saw Kou* Eh? Kou, you're here?
Kou: Why are you still together with him? Stay away from him.
Futaba: Oh, I forgot to tell you. Kou, this is Yoshioka Aya, my onii-san. He came from America and just arrived yesterday. He wanted me to take him around the place again.
Aya: Pleased to meet you.
Kou: EH?! 
Aya: No need to introduce him, my dear imouto~ I already know who he is. He's your beloved boyfriend. <3 Sorry about earlier, I was just teasing you.
Kou: I-I'm sorry also for being rude to you! Please forgive me.
Aya: Haha, don't worry, I understand. I can see how you deeply care about her and I am actually in favor of you being my imouto's future husband. 
Futaba: O-Onii-san! >///< Don't tell such a thing, it's embarrassing.
Mabuchi-sensei: Me too! I'm also in favor~
Futaba: Mabuchi-sensei?! You're here also?
Mabuchi-sensei: Why, yes. We were following you all these time.
Kou: H-Hey! 
Futaba: I-Is it true?
Kou: Well, I was curious you know because I should only be the man beside you. I didn't know who he was up until now so I was worried and it's only natural for me to feel this way.

Futaba: *chuckles* Hehe, you're cute when you get jealous.
Kou: Sh-Shut up! *blushes*
Aya: Anyway, Fu-chan. Why don't you invite him?
Futaba: Oh, right! Kou, there's an event later at 6 pm here and I want you to be my dance partner. Will you go with me?
Kou: Of course. You should pay for making me feel worried and all.
Futaba: Haha, sure sure!

Then the time for the event finally came.

Kou: Why am I feeling nervous? Maybe because I'm not that good at dancing.
Futaba: *Walks in wearing a beautiful dress*
Kou: O///O 
Futaba: H-How do I look?
Kou: You look... so pretty. ^_^
Futaba: Thank you. ^-^ You look good in your clothes too.
Kou: You don't really have to praise me.
Futaba: I mean it. You really look good.
Kou: Fine. If that's what you think. Here *Offers his arm* May I have this dance with you?
Futaba: Hai!

And the event came to an end.

Futaba: This is the happiest day I've ever had! I'm so glad you're here. I'm really thankful for today.
Kou: Me, too. Futaba, come closer. 
Futaba: O-Okay.
Kou: *kissed her on the cheek*
Futaba: Hey, that was- I didn't expect that! >///<
Kou: It means that you are mine only.
Futaba: You idiot...
Kou: Haha, call me whatever you want.
Futaba: Oh, it's time for me to go home.
Kou: I'll walk you home.
Futaba: No, it's alright. I'll go home with onii-san. You too, you should walk home together with your brother.
Kou: O-Okay.
Futaba: Alright. Ja ne~
Kou: Ja ne!

Kou: They're... gone now.
Mabuchi-sensei: Kou, are you alright? 
Kou: I feel... kinda... exhausted.
Mabuchi-sensei: Don't exhaust yourself too much... I might get worried.
Kou: You don't have to worry... about me... I'm fin- *collapses*
Mabuchi-sensei: Kou! Hey, hang in there!

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