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So this chapter was just a couple of time hops into the future because I'm a sucker for a happy ending and all that. I hope you enjoyed the story, and please don't forget to Vote/Comment :) Thank you!


Needless to say, Sully was happy to see the pair of you later on that day, arms around each other and laughing at something Sam had said. It was clear to everyone that the two of you were in love, especially when Sam stopped just to pull you closer and kiss you.

Sully watched with a grin on his face as you blushed and kissed Sam back before the two of you started walking again. When he saw the light had came back into your eyes, he beamed and knew you and Sam were finally together for life.

Two weeks later, you were back in Libertalia, Sully having dropped you off with the instruction to pick you both up in 3 days. Most normal couples vacationed in places with pools, but you and Sam weren't like most couples. Adventure called to your blood, so when Sam had suggested going back to Libertalia, you'd agreed, willing to make some more memories of the place you'd been hunting for so long. This time no one would be shooting at you, and you had time to explore. Which you were enjoying to no end. Time away from civilisation with just Sam was great, especially as you got to watch him nerd out over pirates. You'd spent a whole day in bed, watching pirates of the Caribbean after you'd said that Jack sparrow was your favourite pirate, and Sam needed educating.

You were just approaching Libertalia when you saw the huge cliff you'd have to scale to get there, and a smirk came to your face as you tapped Sam's hand and nodded at it. "What do you say to that rematch you promised me? Race you?" You didn't even give him time to answer before you were sprinting towards the cliff, hearing Sam laugh and follow after you.

You raced up the cliff, making it to the top a few seconds ahead of Sam and collapsing onto your back at the top, breathing heavily. When Sam dragged himself over the top, he fell beside you and laughed loudly, the sound echoing around the trees.

"I win," you cheered, still panting. Sam pulled a face and pulled you into his side, keeping you close as always.

"Yeah, well, normally I'd win. But somebody kept me up all night," he hinted, but you just feigned innocence.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I slept like a baby," you grinned, which wasn't a lie. You'd been sleeping a lot better recently, possibly due to someone finding creative ways to kill any extra energy.

That same someone chuckled and leaned in, kissing you deeply, biting your lower lip gently.

"Bringing anything back?" He asked into your neck, and you grinned and nipped at his ear.

"Getting something. Not quite recollection yet. You'll have to show me," you breathed as his teeth grazed the sensitive spot on your shoulder, causing your back to arch a small amount and a gasp to leave your lips. Sam just chuckled, content to tease you a while longer. You however, were having none of it and rolled the pair of you over, so you were straddling him and pinning his arms beside his head.

"Didn't nobody ever teach you that it's not nice to tease people?" You purred, leaning down to kiss the birds on Sam's neck, just the way to make him shudder in delight and usually drag you into the nearest room with a lock. But under the cover of trees on a remote island, you didn't need locked doors, so he growled and claimed his hands back so he could reverse your positions again, and then when he was on top of you, he started undoing your shorts while kissing your stomach and slowly working his way down. He'd made good on his promise to learn every inch of you, and the two of you could barely keep your hands off each other most of the time.

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