1. Best Friends!

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My name's Arianna snow. but most people call me Anna. I'm in 1st grade and i'm almost 7. My Daddy treats me like a princess and gives me whatever I want but he's always so mean to Mommy. He hurts her alot and it's really scary. I have only one friend at school but thats ok because he's really nice and is real fun. His name is Kellin, Kellin Quinn Bostwick.

"Daddy can I go over my friend Kellin's house?" I asked Daddy.

"Sure sweetheart one minuite," he told me.


" Don't you dare leave, you hear me bitch! I'm going to take my daughter to her friends house. I'll finish with you when I'm back." Daddy told mommy. I'm scared. why does he act so mean to Mommy? That's why I'm going to Kellin's. I don't want to hear them fighting. I started crying.

"Go get in the car princess," he said

"O-okay" I sniffled.


(at Kellin's house)

"KELLLIINNNNN!" I screamed as my best friend opened the door.

"ANNNNNAAAAAAA!" He yelled in return."I didn't think you were gonna come!"

"I promised you didn't I?" I said while going in to give him a hug.

"Kellin, honey who's at the- oh hi Anna, Kellin said you might come over." Ms. Lisa said walking into the hallway.

"Hi Ms.Lisa, yup here I am." I said grinning widely.

"Okay let's go upstairs to my room and play." Kellin told me gesturing to the stairs.

" I'll be up in a few minutes Kell" I smiled.

"Okay, hurry. I wanna play Mario Kart with you." He called halfway upstairs.

"Bye daddy I love you soo much." I whispered in his ear as he lifted me up to hug him.

"Love you too honey, what time do you want me to pick you up?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"Ms.Lisa, can I pretty, pretty please stay here tonight?" I begged pouting my lips.

"Of course you can Anna." She responded.

"YAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"Anna, don't you need clothes?" Daddy wondered.

"No, I have some clothes here already."

"Okay bye baby girl. I love you." He told me.

"Call me when she wants to come home, Lisa." He told Ms.Lisa who is basically my second mom.

"Will do Jim." She smiled.

I walked upstairs towards kellin's room. "Hi Kailey." I said to Kellin's little sister.

"Hey Anna." She waved going back to her room from the hallway.

"Kellin, I'm here and I'm spending the night!" I exclaimed.

"That's great Anna! So, can I talk to you?" He asked me.

"Of course Kel, what's up? I wondered, still smiling at the fact that I'm spending the weekend with my best friend.

"What happened this time?" he asked with worry in his voice. He knows all about my mom and dad.

" He was hitting her really, really hard and she was crying" I said, my voice cracking. "It was so scary."

" Come here Anna, it's okay." he said opening his arms.

"thank you Kel" I sniffled."I bet I can beat you at Mario Kart."

"Oh it is on!" He screamed.

Please Stay Forever With Me (A Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now