CHAPTER ONE: Maximum Backup

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A/N: This book is the fifth in a series! The Nightmare On Baker Street Series! If you have not read books 1-4 please go back and do so :) Thank you! The first is called "Nightmare On Baker Street", and there are directions to the next story at the end of each book. If you have read the rest of the series, thank you for sticking with me this far, and without further ado, TILL DEATH DO US PART! 

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Eighteen Months Ago.

BANK GANG LEAVE COPS CLUELESS, the paper said. Lestrade could hear it now as he strode from the press conference, furious and frustrated.

"They just walked out of there!" Greg exclaimed to Sally Donovan, who walked at his heels.

"Yeah, I know, I was sort of sitting next to you." Sally retorted. No meaningful answers. He'd been able to produce no meaningful answers.

"The whole Waters family, they just walked right out of there!" He fumed, ignoring her.

"Again, I was in the room -- "

"How do they always manage that?" He demanded hotly as they headed down the steps to the cruiser.

"They're good," Sally shrugged.

"They're greedy," Lestrade corrected. "And they'll do it again. And next time, we're gonna catch 'em in the act." He decided, determination rising off him in waves.

Sally stopped, looking at him in incredulity. She scoffed, "How?"

Twelve Months Ago.


Climbing into the cruiser, Lestrade yanked the door shut. It fell closed with a loud, angry snap. He couldn't believe they'd gotten away with it again.

"No good?" Sally grimaced, leaning back towards the window of the passenger side, where she'd sat waiting.

"They always know we're coming," Greg cried out in exasperation. A siren wailed in the background. "How do they always know?"

"They're good, they work at it!" Sally said, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"They're never going to stop." Lestrade declared in angry defeat.

"Well, neither are we." Donovan assured him with a firm nod.

Six Months Ago.


Lestrade could not believe his luck as he strode once again, helplessly defeated, from another humiliating press conference. He couldn't contain the grunt of displeasure that was torn from his mouth as he pondered the amount of fail that had come to pass in this enduring case. Too bad Elanor couldn't be in on it. Her department was murder -- and so far no one had been murdered, only stolen from. So enlisting her help was, for the moment, out of his options.

Three Months Ago.


Rage and pain pulsed through Greg's entire body as he repeatedly kicked the tyre of the cruiser as if it'd done him a terrible wrong. With each painful thrust of his leg against the metal rim, Lestrade let out a cry of utter frustration.

Sally could look on no longer. "Greg."

"In the act!" Lestrade exploded with a snarl. She held up her hands defensively. "The only way we're gonna do this, in the act." With one final kick against the vehicle to punctuate his sentence, Lestrade stormed to the front of the cruiser, ripping open the door, in turn sending Sally stumbling forwards before she returned to her side of the car.

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