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The next morning came and I was already walking towards the store. I felt like I've had no sleep because I was too tired of all that's been happening. I got mad at yoongi for lying and I may have made hoseok upset. I sigh and walked in the store.

I did my job and when there was no one around, I would just sit on hoseok's favorite spot and look at the window. It was quite dark outside and maybel it'll rain later. The weather was gloomy and it kind of affects my mood. I suddenly felt sad.  Then there were raindrops falling down the windows. It started raining and I remembered the days that passed ever since I've met hoseok and yoongi.

Hoseok would just sit here every 2 am and sip on his milk. It was kind of brave of him to express his feelings. Saying that he really didn't like milk and that he only came by here just to see me. I don't recall meeting him and knowing him in the past, but I'm still wondering. What made me so interesting that he would suddenly want to get to get know me? I'm just a plain boring girl that has no family left and works at a 24-convenient store to supply her needs. I have no other friends and I'm basically always alone.

While letting myself sink in my thoughts, there comes in a woman. Maybe about in her 30s? She looked young and she was indeed beautiful. She walked towards the refrigerators as she grabbed a can of coke. I hurriedly went back to the cashier to assist her things.

As the item was placed on the flat suface, I grabbed it and punched in her items.

"Oh my gosh..."

I was a bit startled for he sudden actions. I looked at her as she was surprised.

"Pardon?" I ask

"Is it really you, yoojin?!" She exclaimed.

How did she know my name? She looks familiar tho.

"Don't you remember? It's me, your cousin hyejin!"

I ransacked my brain for older memories and finally I remember. She was my cousin whom I used to play with ever since we were kids. Although the time came when she had to move to the U.S because her parents had a job their.

"Hyejin-unnie! It's you!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"How have you been? It's been so long! I have to much to tell you!" She said

"I've been okay, I guess." With a smile on my face, I returned for her payed items and we sat on a nearby table.


"I remembered that you cried because your ice cream fell on the ground!" She said while laughing

"Your face was hilarious and cute at the same time." She pinched my cheeks and I smiled

"Ahh I guess I was just so innocent back then..." I said

"No idea about my surroundings and their problems..."

I looked at the window as the rain got a bit worse. It was comforthing tho.

"By the way, have you met him?" She asks as I look at her

"Who's him?"

"Oh I guess you don't know yet. Maybe this is the right time for you to know..." cliffhanging her words made me a little frustrated.

"What is it that I need to know?" I ask with full of curiosity

"You're not alone yoojin..."

Not alone? What does that mean?

"What do you mean?"

"Okay here it goes... when I was 7, you parents had a child. That meant that I get to have a cousin. But when the child turned 4, your parents had another child. Then they thought that they can't handle both children so they left the 4 year old child to a different family. I was quite saddened about the thought because we were close back then. We would play just like how we used to play. Your parents told me and my family to not tell you until you were capable of being a responsible woman. I guess this is the right time." She told the story and I was focused on every word she said.

Hold on. This story seemed too familiar. I think I've heard it before.

"So you're saying that I have an older sibling?" I said with my eyes full of hope. Finally, I'm not alone.

"Yes, yoojin. You have an older brother." She said


"Who is he then? And when can I meet him? I'm so glad that I'm not alone. I thought I'll be alone until my last breath ever since my parents passed away." I said with smiling eyes

"I don't know if you've met him because I too, haven't met him also. Ever since he was given away, I never got to see him again." She trailed off

"What's his name?" I ask. Okay, this is the moment of truth.

"Your brother's name is..."

I ushered for her to continue.

"Min Yoongi."

My smile faded. I felt like something dropped on the floor. Like a fragile glass shattered into pieces as it made contact with the ground. My eyes went wide and I covered my mouth.

"No no no- ugh! It can't be! It can't be him!" I said in a raised voice

"What do you mean? Have you met him? Do you guys already know each other?" She asked and asked while I was still shocked in my state.

"WE WERE FRIENDS! BUT NOW, I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE ARE!" I said as I feel hot tears trickling down my face.

"All this time... I was with my brother yet he..." I said in an almost whisper.

"He what?" Hyejin asked

"He confessed to me that he... likes me." I said.

Hyejin's eyes went wide.

"That can't be possible!" She said

"Your both siblings and you both can't like each other! I mean like- that's gonna be incest! Don't tell me you like him too! Oh my-" I cut her off

"No! I don't like him! Although I was close to doing so but I've always had this feeling that there's something pushing me back. Oh and for your information, I like someone else!" I said

"Good! I guess you could handle this. I better get going now. I just stopped by to let the hard rain pass. Maybe I'll see you next time? Here's my number. Contact me if you need anything." She wrote on a piece of napkin her number as she handed it to me.

"See you!" She said as she stood from her seat and waved at me before walking out.

The rain completely stopped but there were still showers.

I can't believe this. Min Yoongi is my brother. How can I tell this to him? After knowing that he likes me, how? I really need hoseok now. But then, I think he's still upset? Should I stop by at his house after my shift?

I walked back to my place and waited for costumers, impatiently waiting for my shift to end.

Could this be the missing piece that needs to be put back in place?

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