Adventures of a Pumpkin and Running Back Boy contest entry

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It was 2 am and I lay in bed wide awake looking at my phone screen. Blake has been away for a week helping his parents with an exhibition and our only communication has been via text. With Blake being away I feel  like a piece of my heart is missing even with the daily text. At the moment I was staring at his message.

Pumpkin, I have a surprise for you.

I smiled at the words a warm feeling bubbling up into my chest, I wondered what he could have planned . Just as I was about to send a reply a soft tapping came from my window. It was neither rare nor expected for Blake to climb up my window sometimes in the middle of the night, so whenever he threatens to visit I know he's VERY serious. In fact, because of his late night arrivals I had left a short ladder so that he could climb up without falling on his ass. His presence now,though, was unexpected.

After clearing my head of thoughts I slipped out of my bed onto the cold wooden floor beneath me, for the last 4 weeks there had been a cold unimaginable and I couldn't wait for spring to come and warm me. As I got closer to my window I prepared myself for the cold that would invite me, but as I lifted up my window only warm air caressed my cheek, before I could take in the warm night Blake's head appeared in my vision a big grin on his face. My heart beat began to increase at the sight of him and I remembered a poem I had read in French.Which of course Blake taught me.

Je vois par la fenêtre les premières fleurs du printemps
Qui s’épanouissent comme le font mes sentiments
Lorsque tous mes souvenirs de lui
Affluent et empiètent sur ma vie

Au point, de chercher cette solitude
Ce moment d’hébétude
Où il n’y a plus que lui
Ces, visage, sourire, que je chéris

Il est mon univers, ma réalité
Un être de chair, ma moitié
Que je ne cesse d’aimer
Car il reste à mes côtés.

Dans notre monde, où l’amour est Roi
Il n’y a que toi,
Pour m’aimer, partager mes joies.


I see through the window the first spring flowers
Which expand as do my feelings
When all my memories of him
Rush and encroach on my life

To the point to seek that solitude
This moment of stupor
Where there is no more than him
These, face, smile, that I cherish

He is my world, my reality
A man of flesh, my half
That I don’t stop loving
Because he stays at my sides.

In our world, where love is king
There is only you,
To love me, share my joys.

"Lexi," Blake greeted his voice caressing my name softly on his lips. My heart ached to touch him, to hold him. I hated when Blake was away even if it were for only a day, I worried that something could happen to him. Right now, here with him, was the only time that my heart felt complete.

"Blake I missed you," I stated my voice cracking a bit from emotion.

"I missed you too Pumpkin," Blake spoke.

"Come in before you fall and die, and if you died you know I'd kill you." I told Blake gesturing into my room.

"You know that doesn't make sense," Blake said amusement in his tone. I just stuck my tongue at him and got a shake of the head in response.

"Lexi, come out here with me." Blake asked, more like stated.

"Blake, it's 2 am I'm not coming out there."

"It's so nice out Pumpkin, I promise only for a second, I have something for you."

"Fine! Just let me get a jacket" I said reluctantly, huffing I stepped over to my closet and pulled out one of Blake's hoodies hearing him chuckle in the background.  As I put it on I heard him say softly.

Adventures of a Pumpkin and Running Back Boy contest entryWhere stories live. Discover now