Unpromising Welcome

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(Luciano's POV)

I opened my eyes. I was covered with a blanket. And I saw Germany watching me.I was surprised and kinda creeped out.

"Finally your awake!"He said.

"Yeah I'm awake . Also how many days was I asleep?"I said with worry.

"Just only one day.Why you ask Italy?"

"Oh just checking!~"

I sighed with relief.Thats good.I slowly start to get up.Every time I move I get little pain from my head.

"Hey I think you should rest!"Germany said with worry on his face.

"No thank you!~"I said walking to the door.

"Oh ok get well soon Italy."

Please, please, please, no more nations to bother me I hoped.I opened the door  and the clean air hit my face.

I smiled.Thank goodness.I walked slowly outside going to Feliciano's home.Then I saw a knife shop and went in there.

~Time Skip~

I got out of the store with a bag of knives. I put all the knives in my little sack on the side of the uniform. But theres blood on the side of my head and clothes.So I started to go to a private bathroom place.

I quickly cleaned myself and the clothes at the sink.Until I heard a really loud knock.

Ugh what is it this time?

"Hey hurry up in there!"

"OK!"I replied with annoyance.

Done!Then I went up to the door and unlocked it. My head hurts a lot with pain but it eases up when I'm not moving. When I came out I saw my 1P's Brother.He was shocked. I was surprised but I started  to run away from him.

"Hey!Italy wait up!"

I tried to lose him from my trail but he was way behind me but knows where I am going.The pain in the head increased so I started look for trees until I saw a big one. I brought out two knives and started climbing until I reached at the top. Good thing this tree have a lot of branches and leaves.I put away both of the knives and rested at the top of the tree on a branch.

"Hey Italy! Where are you?"

I sighed.Well the pain is decreasing in the head.

"Hey Italy!Where are you?"

"Your brother misses you!~"

"Shut up you tomato-bastard!"

"Hey at least I'm helping right!?"

"Not really but I'm really sure he ran here."

"Aww you still worried about your fratello, Romano?~"

"Sh-Shut up bastard!"

Ugh.This is bad!Maybe if I can scare them by throwing knives by them.I brought out three knives and listen closely to hear the vioces.

"Come on!I think we're close!"

There you are!I threw the knives where exactly where they are.


"What the heck that was close!Who the fuck did that?"

I chuckled softly.They deserve that for looking for me.

"I think we should go Romano!~"

"Not until I find my brother!"

I sighed.That wasn't to supposed to happen.Ugh.




Or Fan Me.

I guess.Ciao.

Luciano:I should've killed them *Pouts*

Angel:Next Time.

Spain and Romano:What!?!




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