Rejected or Accepted?

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Jade's POV

Ever since Ivel and I reunited my life has felt whole again. I spent my time laughing instead of crying and loving instead of hating. It's been a year since that fateful day at the coffee shop and now I feel stronger emotions to Ivel now than I ever have before. It pains me to say it but he makes me happy. Why does it pain me? Because I am in love with him.

Why? Why did I have to fall in love with him? When he finds out he's going to reject me, I know he will. I don't think Ivel has ever had a girlfriend, every time I ask him about a girl he would say "They're not my type". He always said that about the most beautiful girls if they aren't enough then I'm sure as hell not.

I hear a knock on my door. 3:00 on time as usual. I walk over to the door and open it revealing the emotionless expression of my current obsession, Ivel. "It looks like you're about 7 seconds late and here I thought you're Mr. Punctuality." I say teasingly. "But seriously Ivel do you really have to always arrive at exactly 3 o'clock?"

"What, you don't enjoy my company brat?" He says.

"No, I do. I just don't understand, you're allowed to be a few minutes late."

"I just don't want to waste our time together. Am I not allowed to do that brat?" he says I can see a slight tinge of pink appear on his cheeks. "Now get ready brat, we're heading out."

"Where are we going?" I ask while grabbing my coat.

He grabs my hand and drags me outside to his car. "You'll see." he says. This can either be something really good or really bad. Throughout the entire ride to wherever, Ivel didn't say a word to me about where we're going. The car ride there was long, long enough for me to pass out. I awoke to Ivel shaking me. "We're here."

"And where exactly is here?" I ask.

"I told you, you'll see." he says. I start to exit the car and as I do I see a crystal clear lake with a starry sky hanging above it. It is beautiful. "Do you like it?" he asks.

"No," I pause "I love it." I look up to Ivel, he's staring at me. "Why did you take me here?"

"I know how much you love stars, thought I would treat you. I also thought this would be a great place to tell you how I feel." he says bluntly.

"How you feel about what?"

"You." he says. I feel a chill run down my back, I guess this is when he tells me he hates me or tells me that I did something wrong. Maybe he found out my feelings for me and is trying to tell me he doesn't feel the same way. Some may think that Ivel has romantic feelings for me but I know he doesn't. He doesn't have a reason to love me. Others have their looks or their intelligence and some have a good personality. I'm just me. Plain, boring, average looking, idiotic, sass monster, me.

I look towards the ground "What about me?" I say quietly.

I feel his fingers on my chin, pushing my head up to meet his face. I find myself hypnotized by his grey eyes that have a new found softness in them. "I love you idiot." he says softly as if he's afraid that his words will break me.

I'm speechless, for once in my life I find it hard to speak. The love of my life loves me back. This has to be a dream, if it is then I don't want to wake up. I look at Ivel and see that he's shaking, meaning he's either nervous or cold. "I love you too​." I say quietly.

He lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. I thought you might reject me because I'm a jerk face idiot who always makes fun of you-" I cut his rambling short with a kiss.

The kiss could only be described as magical. His arms wrapped around me in a loving embrace. After the kiss we stared up at the stars while also stealing glances at each other.

After an hour we got into the car and he drove me home. He kissed me good night and asked if I can go on a date with him on Friday. Obviously I said yes.

As soon as I got home I jumped unto my bed and started to giggle. I can't believe it I'm Ivel's girlfriend. I'm so happy.

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