He likes you too?

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David's POV
Science class is sooo boring.
Well except for that idiot Wes getting in trouble so much. What? It amuses me.
Also, Mari Takahashi.
She's so hot.
It's true, don't lie.
I pop my earbuds in and listen to music.
I "pretend" I'm watching the movie Mr. John is showing. Like who's even watching anyways?
I see everyone get up.
Time to leave.
Next class is personally my favorite.
We literally do nothing in there.
I'm not kidding, we just read the whole time.
Why is it my favorite, you ask?
Mrs. Bramblett leaves the class for half of the period. So we just talk.
I sit down next to Wes, and Mari.
They keep looking at each other...
What am I not getting?
"You guys like each other! Ha, classic." I say.
"Shut up David!" Courtney adds in.
"What? It's not like it's secret." I reply.
"That's...true." She says.
Wes and Mari just awkwardly look the other direction, but then Mari looks at me.
She softly smiles, and reaches a hand on my shoulder. My stomach drops.
"Hey, are you ok? You look depressed." She asks.
"It's fine, I have anxiety. But you look depressed too." I say.
Wes looks over at me and whispers in my ear.
"Oh crap...I'm sorry." I apologize.
"It's fine" she laughs.
Mrs. Fatso..oops...haha.
Mrs. Bramblett walks in, and we get quiet.
She doesn't notice we were talking, cause she was holding a box of candy.
That's why I called her that.
I snicker, and almost start bursting out in laughter.
I hold my book up and start reading.
I see Courtney and Mari start whispering to each other. Weird. Wonder what their talking about...
Mari's POV
David likes me. Of course.
I gotta tell Shayne, he's gonna flip his shit.
Ah...I gotta give Shayne 5 bucks. I hate bets.
David's cute, sweet, and smart.
One of those traits is what Wes doesn't have.
Yep. You guessed it. The "smart" trait.
I mean, he gets all A's, but he isn't the smartest.
David definitely is.
Class ends, next class, Drama.
I sit next to Shayne.
"David likes me." I say, the pride washing off me.
  "Haha! I knew it." He says, one finger locked like a hook, swaying back in forth. I give him five bucks.
Haha, short chapter, I know. But I hope you enjoyed the "kinda" Maricorn!

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