Saving - Baelfire part 2

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The men all looked at you and your father asked: "Y/N? Do you know this boy?" You nodded. "Yes! He saved me from the Dark One!"

Everyone looked between you and Baelfire. Suddenly Baelfire began to cough heavily as he woke up. "Here, drink this." You said as you gave him some water. He gratefully took it and drank a bit. "Back to work men! There's nothing to see now!" Your father shouted and everyone went back to work.

When Baelfire had calmed down he looked at you to thank you, and than realisation hit him. "Y/N?" He said. You nodded. "Yes Baelfire, it's me. Been a long time has it not?"

Before he could answer your father interfered. "Good you're awake. Now don't expect much, we'll drop you at the next port." "Father!" You protested. "Please let him stay. He saved my life before, we owe him that much." Your father seemed to think for a moment, clearly not liking this decision. "Alright, but he'll be your responsibility." You agreed and your father left. "Sorry about that." You apologised.

The next days you spend with Baelfire. So now and then your father would talk with him but otherwise he was spending time with you.

One day you saw your father fiddling with something in his hands, he seemed very statisfied. You walked over to him to see what it was. "What do you got there father?" You asked him. He grinned. "A magic bean my dear." He said as he showed you the bean. "We're going to make a trip to skin a crocodile." He said. "And to where may that be?" "Neverland."

You had heard the stories about Pan and the Lost boys on Neverland. So When you arrived on the island you were very curious and walked towards the woods, wanting to explore the island. You looked behind if no one was following you, and luckily for you, no one was. Or so, you thought.

Snap you heard a twig breaking and turned around to see Baelfire standing there, clearly having followed tou. "Dammit Bae." (That's what you started to call him in the last few days.) "You scared me." "Sorry." He quickly apologised. He then asked "Can I join you on you exploring trip?"

"Yeah, you're here now anyway." You chuckled.

The both of you talked and laughed for a while. But he suddenly sushed you to listen to something. You couldn't here anything. But fairly quickly after that, an arrow flew past your head. "What was that?" You asked. Bae looked at you. "The Lost Boys.. Run!" You did as he said and ran for your life.

Not long after that, you heared Bae yell. "Y/N!" You turned around to see that he got caught by the Lost Boys. You tried to chase them, but they were way faster then you were. But that didn't mean you stopped. You wanted to help Bae before the Lost Boys would do something to him. You really hoped they hadn't hurt him already. Only thinking about it already made your heart ache. It was at that exact moment that you realised you had a crush on your friend. You had a crush on Baelfire.

You kept on running, searching, but you didn't seem to reach Bae yet. then after some time you finally found something which looked like a camp. Pan's camp.

You quickly hid behind the bushes and waited for the Lost Boys to leave. It took them an eternity to. Seeing as they were dancing and celebrating something. But they finally left to go hunting. They only left one behind to guard Baelfire.

You sneaked towards the guard, making no noise. When you reache him, you hit him on the had with a piece of wood and knocked him out. then you turned towards Bae who was trapped in a wooden cage. You pulled out your sword and began to free him. It took some time but finally the cage gave in and Baelfire could climb out. Just in time you two ran away, escaping form the Lost Boys.

When you were in save territory you stopped running. "Thanks for saving me Y/N." Baelfire said to you. "You really are the best friend I could wish for." Now even though that was a big compliment, it hurt you. You didn't think of him as a friend, you thought of him as more than that, yet he seemed to reject you.

"It was the least I could do. Now we're equal." You said, trying not to sound hurt. "Y/N? Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?"

You shook your head. "Now, it's okay, I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine to me." He said.

"It's nothing really." You insisted.

"Y/N, you can tell me anything. You know that?"

You looked into his brown eyes and what then happened was fully impulsive, you didn't know why you did it, but you kissed him...

Once you realised what you were doing you quickly pulled back. "Sorry." You apologised, but he took your hand. And with the other, he lifted your face so you were facing him. "There is no need to be sorry." He said as he kissed you now, and you kissed back.

2 uploads today cause I really felt like writing the second part too. I hope you enjoyed it. And I'm sorry for my bad writing skills, I'm trying to improve it. Anyway, thisvwas the Baelfire one shot, which was actually longer than I thought it would be.

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