Come On!

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I woke up the next morning to knocking, or more like pounding, on the door. I felt the warmth beside me leave, and the next thing I knew, I was squinting because of the sunlight pouring in through the blinds Zach had just opened. I muttered that I wanted him to come back and cuddle with me, before realizing HOLY CRAP I SLEPT IN THE SAME BED CUDDLED UP WITH ZACH.

I looked at him in his boxers and his amazingly chiselled abs, and down at myself in my Victoria's Secret slip and realized that I was very glad we had locked the door behind us because if anyone had found us, they would have thought that we got it on last night, when in reality, we just made out and then cuddled until we fell asleep. It was amazing though because we had never done something so intimate and couple-like before. I just wanted to nuzzle back into Zach's shirtless body and sleep for another day. That idea was shot, however, when the incessant pounding on the door resumed.

" Zach, Cammie-we know you are in there. Get your horny little butts out here before the adults get back from their morning run on the beach and find out what you two naughty little kids have been up too! Seriously though, they should be back any minute now!" a very British and very amused voice muttered from the other side of the door. I could practically feel her smirking.

"I know you enjoyed sleeping on your insanely hot boyfriend, but it's time to get up Gallagher Girl unless you want more of the conversations that Joe and Abby gave us yesterday."

I looked over at Zach who was looking down at me, one eyebrow raised, as I threw the comforter off of me and groaned. I pecked Zach on the cheek as I got ready to get up. It was too early and we were out entirely too late, and to be honest, Zach was way too comfy to get up from, but I got up, threw my dress from last night back on, and trudged through the room and out the door into the kitchen anyway.

"Don't even say a word" I muttered as I shuffled over to the counter.

I grabbed the coffee that had hopefully been set out for me, turned around to go up to my room and shower, and ignored the 5 teenagers sitting around the kitchen with amused looks on their faces.

"You'd think someone would be a lot happier after they just got some. Did old Zach here fail to please?" Grant teased, as I was walking out of the room. Even though I was out of the room, I could hear the grunt that Grant made as he hit the floor. I made a mental note to thank Zach for that later.

When I got up to my room, I noticed that Macey was still asleep. I quickly showered and put on comfy clothes before I slipped back into bed, hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep before I was subject to another day of fun-filled normal teenager activities.


I woke up a few hours later to an empty room and a surprisingly quiet house. I got up and checked the dens, common rooms, and kitchen and found no one else home and no notes. Normally I would have been really worried and freaked out, but I actually welcomed the alone time. When I was at school, I usually went out and explored the castle and wandered the secret passageways by myself every night, and I hadn't had much time to myself since we had been there. I decided to grab a book I picked up and went out by the pool to catch some sun and read.

When I got out on the pool deck however, I was surprised to see that I wasn't alone. My mom had apparently the same idea as I had because she was lounged on a pool chair reading a book as well. When she noticed me walking out, she looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, kiddo. I'm glad you're awake. The others wanted to wake you up so you could go out to lunch with them, but I convinced them that everyone deserves to sleep into the afternoon once in a while. Plus, I wanted to spend some time with you. Have a seat" she said, as she patted the lounge chair next to her.

I gladly walked over and stretched myself out, basking in the warm Miami sunlight.

"We haven't spent time together in forever, I've really missed it!" I said, squinting up at her.

"I know, kiddo, but we are now, so let's talk. How is everything with Zach? I'm sorry for what happened the other night when we caught you. I was just so shocked that you were there and I couldn't see you as more than my little girl!"

"I know, and it's okay. I understand. I really wish you hadn't sent Abby to give me the sex talk though. I guess it did help a little bit though."

"I'm glad. I would have talked to you myself, but I have had some things to take care of since we've been here. I am happy I can finally just lay back and relax though with my favourite girl. I love you, no matter how much I am gone or busy, know that I will always love you and support you, Cammie. I hope you know that."

I smiled up at her and she hugged me before we settled back down with our books. I couldn't really focus on mine though because there was something that was in the back of my mind that I had wanted to talk to her about.

"Hey mom, there is something I want to ask you though, and I would really like it if you would give me an honest answer."

"Okay, kiddo I will try." She answered hesitantly.

"I have noticed how close you and Joe have become lately, like when you were cuddled on the couch the other night watching a movie. Zach also thought he heard you your room one night. I just want to know, is it true? Are you and Joe together?"

"Oh Cammie, honey, this is not how I wanted you to find out. Yes, Joe and I have been spending a lot of time together as adults and doing adult activities. I was going to tell you, I promise." She said as she gathered me into her arms when she noticed I had tears in my eyes.

"Mom, I'm not mad that you are together. I know it's been hard since we lost dad, but Joe is a great guy and is perfect for you. I just don't understand why you kept it from me. I thought we were closer than that."

"We are close honey. That's why it has been so hard keeping it from you. I just didn't want to tell you until I was sure I and Joe were even a thing. It didn't happen until this trip really. We went out to dinner last night and Joe said he wanted to talk to you about it soon, and he said he wanted to surprise everyone else and tell them on Christmas! But I am glad that you are okay with me and Joe. He really cares about you like you were his own daughter Cam, and he loves me and treats me so well. He is all I could ever want and more!"

"Well, I'm glad mom. You deserve someone who treats you like a queen. I am glad that we are finally moving on too. I love Joe almost like a father myself, and I couldn't think of anyone else who would be better for us. I love you so much, mom." I reached up and hugged her as I said this. She took me in her arms and rubbed circles soothingly on my back. It was times like this I wish we were more normal and that I could spend time with my mom like other normal teenagers.

She held me like that until I heard my roommates' voices coming in closer from the beach. As they came closer and saw us, they walked over and awww'd at the display of affection between me and my mom. They understood what it was like too, probably even more than me since they didn't see their parents at all during the school year.

"Come on Cam, we want to show you what we bought when we went shopping at this adorable little boutique on the boardwalk. We also want to tell you about our plans for tonight. We are having a girl's night out!" Macey said as I eyed all of the shopping bags they were hauling between the three of them. My mom let go and told me to go have fun as I followed them back up through the house to mine and Macey's room.

After they had shown me all the cute outfits they had bought each of us to wear tonight, Bex went over to her room and came back with a small bag and pulled out four small plastic cards and distributed one to each of us. My breath stopped as I looked down at my picture staring up at me on an I.D. that showed an age that was most definitely not mine. I immediately thought that this couldn't be good.

"Its girls get in free night at that little dance club on the boardwalk called Pulse, and we are going to have a fun night out!" Bex said to us all with a wink.

Oh gosh!

What do you think is going to happen?

Don't forget



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