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Hey guys! This the sequel to Backwards Lovers, if you haven't read it, well, read it before you go on. Because, if you don't listen to me, you will not understand a thing. Anyway! I hope you liked Backwards Lovers! And I really hope you don't want to punch me in the face for how I ended it! (Sarah) Again, if you haven't read Backwards Lovers, DO. NOT. READ. ON. GO BACK AND READ IT. IT'S ON MY PROFILE. And yes, I know that the first paragraph is the same as the last one in Chapter 20 in the first book.

Ethan's POV 

I'm driving down a back street, not really paying attention to anything. I just can't get what happen at Gabe's out of my mind... should I tell Jacob? Should I not? If I told him... he would probably kill Gabe. But if I don't tell him and he finds out by himself... he's going to hate me. My phone rang, which was on the center console, it was Jacob. I reached for it but it fell at my feet, so I leaned down and tried to grab it, and when I looked up, I gasped, then it all went black.

Jacob's POV

I tried to call Ethan, but he didn't answer. This was the fifth time I tried to call him. Why isn't he answering? Don't he know that I'm freaking out here? I dialed again and was sent to voice-mail, "hey babe, I just want you to know that I'm kind of freaking out here because you're not answering and it's been like an hour sense you left... Um, I love you. And, please come home soon." I hung up and as soon as I put my phone down it rang, I quickly picking it up thinking it's Ethan but it wasn't, it was Zac, I sighed and answered, "Hello?"

"Have you heard?!" He sounded like he was crying and rushing at the same time. 

"Hear what? Calm down," I said, looking at nothing. 

"It's Ethan... He got in a car crash..." I froze. I couldn't move, speak, think. Then it kicked in.

"How did you find out?!" I asked, going to the stairs, "MOM! JAMES! WE NEED TO GO NOW!"

"It was over the radio thing that is hocked up to the cop thing, they said his license plate," he said, "Gabe get in the car!" 

"You can't drive..." I said, trying to talk him out of it but I would have done the same if my mom wasn't here.

"I don't care, I'm going to the hospital, I will see you there," he said, hanging up. I quickly got my jacket on when James and my Mom came down.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" My mom said, bring me in a hug. I didn't even notice I was crying.

"It's Ethan... he got into a car crash..." I said, then everything came alive, my mom quickly got her keys, almost forgetting her shoes but James reminded her, he didn't even put a coat on. We quickly went out to the car. The trip there was horrible, I couldn't stop thinking what if he didn't make it and what if he died. I wasn't even worried about Prom anymore, all I wanted was my boyfriend. I couldn't stop myself from asking what kind of car crash it was... if it was head on... that is the most dangerous. Side being the second... 

"It's going to be ok, sweetie," my mom said, I was crying a lot now, I still didn't realize. All I can think about is Ethan. Ethan Ethan Ethan. My mind went back to the first time we met. When he walked in, sat next to me, first said something. Then it went to our first kiss, water running down his perfect back and going onto his just as perfect bum. Then my mind went to the future, our wedding day, both of us wearing white, holding hands. Looking out to the guests they were all wearing white as well, the room was white. It was so beautiful, but it was nothing compared to my soon-to-be husband. Then my mind went further into the future, when we choose who's sperm we were going to use to get our new baby, decided on him because he's so perfect in every single way. Then it moved to two year later, Ethan and I are in the living room, on our knees, a few feet apart from another, Ethan holding our beautiful son up by his hands, me with my arms open, telling Ethan to start lightly letting go of him, and our perfect little son that has Ethan's perfect eyes, his perfect face, his beautiful blonde hair, taking his first steps, making his way over to me. "Jacob, we're here," I was forced out of the most beautiful thought I have ever had by my mom, telling me that we are at the hospital. I opened the car, got out, and running in without closing the door, which I think James closed, my mom was right behind me, making James close her door too. 

"Ethan Matthews," my mom said, looking at me. 

The front desk lady typed in Ethan's name, and then looked up at us, "room 382, third floor," she said, smiling. How dare she smile. I started running for the stairs but my mom stopped me.

"Jacob! The elevator," she said, pointing to the elevator which James already pushed the calling button. 

"Right," I said, running in once the doors opened, pushing the button with the three on it and tried to wait quietly but I couldn't, "what if he's going to die? What if the kiss we had before he left was our last kiss... What if the last time we h-" I started to say.

"Jacob, sweetie, everything is going to be ok, I pro-" my mom started, but it was my turn to cut her off.

"Don't you dare make a promise you can not keep mother. Don't," I said, looking at James who was silently crying. I hugged him. When the door opened, we started running to room 382, James and I in front, our hands together, and my mom right behind us. We got to room 382 when I nurse stepped out and stopped us from entering.

"You can't go in there," he tried to say. Big mistake. I pushed him onto the wall and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Listen, you're not going to stop me from going in there and seeing my boyfriend, I have gone through hell," I know I was copying what Ethan said to Shane but it was true, "so you either let us in there or god help me I will make you wish you never went to medical school, got it?" He nodded and unlocked the door. I walked in and when I saw Ethan I fell to my knees and cried.


Hey guys! I really hope you liked the prologue to the sequel of Backwards Lovers! If you haven't read it, which I already warned you on top, shame on you. xD Jaykay, but really, go read the first one please! Alright. I will be posting chapters like I did for the last one, one chapter every week, it might not be on the same day and there might be times that I don't update a week, but if that happens I promise I will have a very good excuse why! Um, yeah. I know that everything in the trailer for THIS book basically happen in the last one, but that was so I could do this as a prologue, which was more like a chapter then a prologue... oh well. I hope you guys really liked it! Bye! 

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