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Sitting in a dark room with a pen in his hand you hear the constant sound of frantic writing.  The scratchy sound is never ending with the writing and re-writing of the name "Jimin."

"Jimin." "Jimin." Jimin." He whispers to himself, as he constantly writes and rewrites the name. He has written it so many times that the ink goes through the paper an the pen begins to carve the name into the desk. This goes on for hours only stopping when the alarm on his phone goes off. He slowly puts the pen down, turns the alarm off on his phone, picks up his jacket and leaves.


The practice room is bright and full of activities. The boys bags are thrown on the floor against the wall.

The wall is white and has Big Hit Entertainment written across the top in black and gold letters.

The room has a full length mirror that covers that entire wall. There's a table with a sound system sitting on top of it. Next to the small table is a tripod with a video camera.

The boys are spread out around the room stretching and playing around waiting for the second part of the rehearsals to start.

Just as Jimin stands up, the dancers walk in through the door. He smiles and bows as he walks pass them over to Jungkook. Who's sitting against the wall.

"You ready for round two?" Jimin asked.

"Yea, Hyung. I'm a little hungry though."

"You want hyung to get you something to eat after rehearsal?"  Jimin says, standing over Jungkook looking down at him.

Jungkook looks up at him and smiles.

"Yes, Jiminie Hyung!"

Jimin returns the smile and reaches out his hand to help jungkook off the floor. They both get ready to take there places for the next round of rehearsals.


Three hours later Jin, Tae and Jimin are all laid out on the floor, breathing hard. Namjoon walks over in his blue jean overalls and white t-shirt.

"Hey!" Namjoon says, talking to everyone but kicking V on the foot. Since he was the closes. "It's time to go. Get your stuff. We'll meet downstairs." The leaders says, to tired himself to look back and see if they obeyed.

They didn't.

No one moves. Hobi who's the only one who still has energy. Quickly runs over to the boys who seem to be stuck to the floor and grabs Tae by the foot. Tae then grabs Jin by the foot. Jin then grabs Jimin by the foot and Jhope found himself pulling all three of them!

"Yah!" Yoongi yells. Suddenly everyone jumps up and grabs their things. Ten seconds later they were all heading down stairs to the van. Jungkook suddenly stops mid step.

"Jiminah. Did you grab our phones off the table?" The younger says, feeling through his pockets.

Jimin starts to search through his pockets. When he didn't feel the phones he realized he must have left them behind.

"No. I didn't bring them." Jimin replies frustrated.  Looking back up all the stairs they just down from.

"Hyung, I'll run up to get them." Jungkook says, already slinging his backpack across his shoulders.

"No, that's ok." Jimin says, stopping Jungkook. "I'll go get it. I'll meet you at the van." Jimin says, already turning around, taking the stairs two at a time going back up the stairs to get their phones.

Jungkook watches him till he's out of sight. Then turns around and heads towards the van. It didn't take Jimin long at all to make it back to the rehearsal room.

He walks in flipping the light on. It didn't take him long to spot the phones sitting on the table, exactly were they left them. He smiles as he quickly runs  over to grab the phones. When all of a sudden the lights go out.



🌿✨This chapter is a bit short too, but trust me they get longer. Don't forget to tap the ⭐️ comment & continue!

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