Back to where it all began

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-Bella POV-

"Okay everyone ready?" Carlisle asked as we all gathered in the living room ready to leave.

"Yeah." We all mumbled back not happy to be going back to Forks.

"Let's go then everyone take their own cars." He instructed again and walked out of the front door carrying Oliver and half of their luggage.

We all followed suit and soon we were on our way to the airport.

"You okay love?" Edward asked concerned.

"Yeah just a little worried to what's going to happen when we get there." I admired and stared to run circles on my bump where I felt the babies moving.

This is a method I had taken to to calm me down. Just to remind myself that it's not just me and I had my twins to think about and if I get mad or worried or scared they get out in danger and that is not a risk I'm willing to take. I soon felt Edwards hand join mine as he parked the car in the airport car park.

"You ready for this?" Edward asked.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed and got out of the car closely followed by Edward.

"Bella! Edward!" I heard Rosalie yell and beckoning us to come closer.

Emmett grabbed some of our bags because we had too many as well as the girls. We slowly made our way closer to where they all were.

"Okay well go through together but once were in the first class lounge we can part ways until it's time to get on the plane. We'll sit closer together but still far apart enough to give us our space. We each have little enclosed spaces so we're okay for privacy for the most part. Any questions?" Carlisle asked.

"No I think we're good." Alice answered.

"Okay everyone be careful." Esme instructed as we stared to walk through the airport.

-2 hours later-

We were now on the plane and all the babies are finally asleep except the ones in my belly. It's like they're doing backflips into my organs and it painful as hell.

"You okay love? The twins being pains again?" He joked making us both chuckle quietly as to not wake the girls.

"You have no idea. Please can you hum my lullaby to them again? They seem to enjoy it." I requested and got comfy against his shoulder knowing it would put me to sleep as well.

He started to hum my lullaby and the twins immediately calmed down. I soon felt my eyes become heavy and soon let the dreams take me away.

-2 hours later-

"Bella love wake up." Edward coaxed in my ear as he stroked my hair. "The planes about to land."

"I don't want to be here." I groaned sitting up and looking out of the window.

"Neither do I but we have to. The good thing is that I will never leave your side okay. You don't have to see him or your mother if she decides to come down. Your eighteen so they can't make you but please just calm down." He comforted and started to rub my massive bump.

"How can I calm down when I have two soccer players kicking my organs?" I complained and looked at the sleeping baby girls in front of us.

"I'm sorry love. Just 2 more weeks then they should be in our arms okay? Just hand on for 2 more weeks." He soothed and pulled me close to his chest.

"I know." I sighed into his chest.

"You two okay?" Carlisle's voice asked from behind us.

"I'm okay but Bella's a little uncomfortable. The twins are using her organs as punching bags." Edward told him.

"Hang in there Bella." Carlisle said hugging me a little.

"I know. Two more weeks and anything beyond that I am trying any natural method to get them out of me." I told them making them chuckle.

"It's okay Bella. I would induce you on your due date but we can only do that if it's urgent. I guess I could try if you want." Carlisle offered.

"No it's okay. I want them born a little before my due date anyway. 2 days to be exact." I said.

"Why's that Bella?" Carlisle asked.

"Because Edward told me he wanted them born on his birthday." I explained.

My due date is June 22th but I made a joke of them being born on Edwards birthday. His eyes lit up at the joke and he revealed that that's what he always wanted.

"I'll see what I can do but we're trying natural methods first them I'll medically induce you at home. You still want a home birth right?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah. I don't really like hospitals or most doctors but I like you." I said making them both chuckle.

"Thank you Bella. Now sorry to leave you but we're landing soon so I must go and help Esme. See you soon." Carlisle wished before kissing mine and the girl's foreheads, patting Edward on the back and left to where he and Esme were sitting.

"Thank you for trying to get them born on my birthday." Edward said putting his arm around me.

"I want to make you happy." I told him.

"Thank you love, for everything." He sighed and buried his head in my hair.

"I love you too but I think that we need to get the girls. We're going to land soon." I said making him groan but get up and get Isabelle first and handed her to me the Rosemary and Renesme and sat back down with them on either side of him.

"I love you Bella." He said.

"I love you too Edward." I answered.

"Hello, this is your captain speaking. I would like to inform you that we are landing now and will be on the ground in about 2 minutes. Thank for flying with us." The Captain spoke over the intercom.

Soon we felt the plane slowly descend. The girls became restless and Isabelle stated to slowly whimper so I picked her up and held her to my chest.

A few minutes later the plane stopped all together. We are back where it all began. 

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