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You fell asleep with the journal and pencil in your hand. You woke up sore due your head hanging to the side, since you were in a sitting position. You looked at the last sentence of what you wrote.

I want to go home, Yet i want to stay.

You slipped out of bed. Rubbing your palm against your sore neck. As you walk to the dresser you found the journal from. Hiding it well, you head to the bathroom to freshen yourself. You walked out dressed in your uniform. You walked over back the warmth of your bed. Only to sit on the edge of it, looking into nothingness. You felt lost, really lost. "Should this be the day I look for my way home" you wondered to yourself. Squeezing your eyes shut at the thought, "But how?". You still didn't understand why these people had elf ears, goblin teeth, wings. You just didn't understand. You sat there for a while, a long while, perhaps even longer than a 'long while'. Then you come to realize. If this place is filled with mythical creatures; What creature is Jungkook, Umji..? It have never crossed your mind to ask.


You quickly look at your door. Umji was slipping her way into your room, as the cheerful person she is. "Speaking of the devil" you thought. She strikes up a conversation, happy and bubbly energy radiating off her. It was filling the room. "Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" - "I'm okay, how about you?" you replied. She gave you a smile and nod in response. "Well don't sit there, Its almost breakfast time, come and hurry" she hopped in place, gesturing for you to come. You got unto your feet and quickly walked towards Umji. Following her as she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen. Once you were there, she gave you the basic instructions. To put the food platters on the table. Where to put the spoons, knifes, forks. The plates, big and small.

"These instructions aren't basic" you complained with a lost look on your face. "It isn't that bad once you get use to it" Umji assured. You pushed you lip to the side and sighed. You nervously picked put some plates and walked out and placed them on the dining table. There wasn't any reason to be nervous. Maybe it was the fact of doing your job wrong, you were nervous about. About every fork and plate you put down. Was adjusted but your fellow, should you say co-workers or that isn't the right term? "Well that's what they call them back home." you whispered to yourself.

After a while you were finally done, well not you. The others, you weren't much of a helpful hand. You pouted, frustrated because you didn't do a thing correctly. Umji looked towards you direction, sending you a thumbs up. Like she is saying "It's okay! You tried". You weakly smiled. Your co-workers started to hurriedly form a straight line on both sides of the walkway to the dinner table. You quickly followed them and stood by Umji. Jungkook and his family made his way down the stairs. Like robots, your co-workers bowed and said in union "Good Morning". You took a while to comprehend as you were the last one standing up straight. You quickly bowed. As Jungkook walked past you, you could've heard the evil little chuckles escape his lips. 

You stood by the door of the kitchen as you watched the Jeon family eat and talk. Well mostly talk, they barely even touched their food. Jungkook sent little discreet glances and smirks your way. Which you responded by closing your eyes and looking the other way. You were unsure why he was giving you so much attention as there were much more beautiful and sweet girls here. You huffed and jutted out your bottom lip. You turned back to the dining table and once again he was looking at you. With the same old smirk on his face. Your facial expression immediately turned into a disgusted look. "Seriously" you thought "Can't he just look the other way?" You rolled your eyes

It was atleast an hour later or atleast that's what you believed and what your aching feet told you. Your legs was starting to hurt and you was finding it harder and harder to stand straight. Finally the Jeon family finally got up and Mr. Jeon made some type of hand movement. The maids scuttled to clean up the table. You reached to clean up the table slower than others. "My feet is killing me" you complained silently. After a while the dining table was completely clean. Now it was time to go up the stairs to clean his room. You clicked your tongue and look up the stairs in distraught. Slowly slowly you brought your aching feet up each step. 

"Need some help there?"

You turned around and immediately turn back around. It was Jungkook. "Go away, seriously." 

"Aw, you're so mean" he said. You heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. "You were also mean to me at breakfast, I smiled at you but you didn't smile back" Now he was almost beside you.

You rolled your eyes, "I don't need to smile to you" you reached the top of the stairs and so did Jungkook. You walked towards his room, ignoring him.  You still heard him behind you, real close behind you. You pressed your lips together, irritated. You tried breathing in and out slowly to relieve it. You could hear him snorting behind you, pretty sure at you trying to ignore him. 

"CAN YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME?!" You yelled. Jungkook titled his his head and shrugged "Im not following you, you're following me. Im just trying to get to my room, i swear if you love me that much just say so." You looked at him in disbelief, your mouth opened and closed. He walked away knowing he had victory, it showed all over his face. "A-are you crazy!?" you yelled after him "Im not the one in love! M-maybe you're the one in love!" He stopped and look like he pondered for a minute and turned back to look at you with the most sincere smile ever since you been here.



A/N: SO HI. I've been gone for almost a year now. Yikers. uM SO- Im probably discontinuing this series HERE. HOLD ON LET ME EXPLAIN ITS NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS. I will discontinue it here because i forgot the plot and story. I only remember some parts of the story. So probably the best word for this is "This series when be on hold" until i actually write a proper script and I will reboot this series but it will be updated here later than my tumblr page. YES! i made a tumblr, if you wanna check it out its Not alot is posted there but i'll work on it.



Blood Hell | Jungkook Vampire au *SEMI HATIUS*Where stories live. Discover now