Chapter 3

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Kawaii-Chan raced along with Zane down the sidewalk. Her heart pounded, and was so excited and nervous, and didn't know what to do. This was the first time that Zane-Kun ever interacted with her, it was... Nice.

-Zane's POV-
Kawaii-Chan was pulling me along, and she had a look of concentration or determination. She was running really fast, and she looked pretty winded. For someone as sweet-toothed as her, she looked in shape. I looked up ahead, and everything went slow-mo. We had crossed on a cross-walk, and we were almost to her house, but a car was 2-feet away from us, and any second later, we would get hit. Every part of my body snapped, and I felt awake and alert. With only a millisecond to think, I picked Kawaii-Chan up bridal style, and jumped over the hood of the car, and rolled onto the sidewalk at the other side. The car continued on, and part of me wanted to get up start flipping them off, but that would be pointless. I looked down at Kawaii-Chan, who was breathing in ragged breaths, and looked really pale. Her eyes were large, but her pupils were small and were wavering a little. she felt clammy, but overall, she wasn't hurt or bleeding. I took a look at myself to know that my pants were ripped, and shirts and the right sleeve were shredded from the impact of the concrete. I had a bruise and a cut here and there, but I was fine. I looked back at Kawaii-Chan, and asked if she was okay. She came out of her daze, and looked at me. Her eyes went back to normal, but they were welling up with tears. She let out a couple of sobs, and looked down again. "Kawaii-Chan, i-i-is v-very s-sorry, for what h-h-happened." Kawaii-Chan choked. "This w-would have never h-happened, i-if Kawaii-Chan didn't a-ask Zane-Kun to go w-with h-her to get a t-treat." I looked at Kawaii-Chan, and felt remorse, pity, sadness, and most of all, sympathy. I leaned over, and gave Kawaii-Chan a hug, and stroked the back of her head to sub-due the sobs coming from her. After a couple of minutes, I let go of Kawaii-Chan, and asked if he felt better. She smiled, and sniffed a little. "Thank you Zane-Kun, Kawaii-Chan really needed a hug, it was really sweet of you to do that." Kawaii-Chan smiled. I grinned in return. "It wasn't a problem Kawaii-Chan, I was only trying to help a friend." "Besides, let's go to your house and bake a treat, if it makes you feel better, we can watch some 'My Little Horse' if you want to." Kawaii-Chan's whole face lit up with a grin, and she looked as if she had had the best day of her life. "That would be wonderful Zane-Kun". She smiled. We both got up, and started walking towards her house, and along the way, Kawaii-Chan leaned her head on my shoulder once, and sighed, and smiled a genuine smile. My face burned a little from her touch, but I kind of liked it, so I didn't say anything. We got to her door, and went inside. Katelyn was sitting on the couch, and looked up at who it was. "Oh, hey Kawaii-Chan, what's up?" She the noticed me. "Oh hey Zane." She mumbled. I shrugged it off. I turned to Kawaii-Chan. "So, umm... Do you want to start baking, or do you want to relax after the incident?" Katelyn's eyebrow arched. "Yeah Kawaii-Chan, what incident?" She muttered in doubt. "Kawaii-Chan got saved by Zane-Kun when a car was about to hit us." She smiled. "Oh ok, that sounds cool, I'm just going t-, Wait did you just say ALMOST GOT HIT BY A CAR?!" Katelyn cried in shock. "Yep, we almost did." I replied. Katelyn looks both of us over. "That explains why Zane's clothes are battered and torn... Wait are you bleeding?!" Katelyn fummed. "Not really, it's just a cut or two, but nothing serious." I said. Katelyn looked concerned. "Well okay, just please be careful both of you, if you two got hit, not Aphmau and I would never live it down. Neither would anyone else." She explained. Kawaii-Chan smiled. "Don't worry Katelyn-Sama, Kawaii-Chan and Zane-Kun will be fine, btw, Kawaii-Chan and Zane-Kun are going to make a treat for ourselves." Katelyn looked pleased. "That's sounds like fun, you two deserve it, after what happened to
You." She smiled. Kawaii-Chan and I walked over to the Kitchen, and started getting the ingredients out for Chocolate cupcakes. Today was exciting, but also fun being with Kawaii-Chan, she makes me feel special, and she is special. W-wait, do I Like LIKE her?!? Oh boy, what had a gotten myself into...

-And you all thought I was gonna kill my favorite characters, nah! They cool. :3 Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter of 'His Cupcake', bye!

-Crystal 💎

His Cupcake - (Zane x Kawaii Chan) - (All characters belong to Aphmau) =^•w•^=Where stories live. Discover now