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three months before

"Rose, Katie." Her friend Anne addresses the two girls sternly. "Don't do anything to mess things up for me with Niall." She says as a pick up truck pulls up beside them in the CVS parking lot.

"You have a boyfriend Rose." Katie reminds, she has more of her secrets than Anne does and she knows that Rose has a liking towards Niall's friend.

"I know." Rose scoffs then looks through the driver side window and gasps silently, she didn't think he would be this attractive in person. She has only ever talked to him through snapchat

"Anne you are a terrible parker." He says his voice is smooth and calming and honks the horn obnoxiously.

"I'm still a better driver than you." Anne rolls her eyes. "I told Niall we are all taking my car to go to the mini-golf course so get it.

"Nuh-uh I'm not being squished back here with them, Rose you are sitting back here." Katie says and climbs to the passenger seat pushing Rose out on to the concrete.

"Wow thanks." Rose glares at her standing up to brush any dirt off her butt. "Bitch." She mutters.

Niall parks next to them on his motorcycle, Anne tells him that he should put it in Harry's truck.

"Niall let me sit next to Rose." Harry says to him as they lift his bike into the bed of his truck.

"Harry you know she has a boyfriend, don't play games with her." Niall says sternly. "I really like Anne."

"I'm not gonna do anything to her." Harry says then walks over to their car and slides in next to Rose. Their arms brush against eachother as the three of them all somehow fit into the back seat. She breaths in his colongne then holds her breath. He smells amazing.

"Alright guys let's go." Anne says handing Katie the AUX cord.

"What kind of sorry excuse for a mini-gold course is that." Katie yells as they drive by Niall's favorite mini-golf called "Putter's Paradise".

"That place looks fucking shitty, i'm not golfing there." Rose says and Katie agrees.

"Fine, we'll go to the one on the complete other side of town." Anne says annoyed.

"Thank god." Katie says and turns the radio up louder. Harry elbows Rose startling her. She looks at him playfully annoyed and elbows him back this soon evolves into a full out elbowing war until they finally reach the mini-golf course.

It is the last hole of the game and everyone has given up as does most people during golf. Niall decides the hit the ball straight into the rock obstacle but it bounces back and hits Rose right in the temple then rolls out into the parking lot.

"What the fuck man?" Rose says through laughing while rubbing her forehead.

"I am so sorry Rose." He says trying to sound sincere but he can't contain his laughter.

"Okay but what the hell is Harry doing?" Katie points to Harry as he is hopoing over the fence chasing after the ball. Rose gets out her phone and starts recording him.

"You gotta play it where is lies." Anne yells. Harry nods and points his finger at her,

"You know it." He smirks then swings the club missing the first time but hits the ball smack into Rose's forehead, again.

"Oh my god Rose I am so sorry." Harry says sprinting to check her head, he knows she is fine he just wanted an excuse to touch her.

"Fuck off, I've gotten hit twice and now I'm hangry. Someone is buying me a fucking ice cream cone." Rose says and points to both of them while glaring.

"Yeah I think we should leave befire we get kicked out." Anne says followig behind Rose and Katie.

"Anne is great. You know prom is only two months away, I think I might ask her." Niall says to Harry before catching up with Anne.

"Prom." Harry thinks to himself and smiles as he catches Rose watching him from the exit then slowly raises both her middle fingers up. He smiles and gives her the middle finger back.

"Someone owes me a fucking ice cream cone." Rose says when everyone is in the car.

"I'll buy you one since I probably hit you the hardest since Niall is pussy." Harry says and punches Niall's arm.

"Thanks." Rose says smugly ignoring the careful look Katie gave her when she noticed Harry's hand on her leg.


"Text me if you need me, okay." Anne says as she stops infront of Rose's house. Rose lives in a very mentally and emotionally abusive home, most of the abuse being taken out on her and not her siblings.

Ignoring her screaming parents Rose throws her backback on her desk chair and kicks her shoes off before plopping down on her bed. She feels her phone vibrate and quickly unlocks it.

I had lot's of fun tonight, sorry for hitting you in the head with a golf ball.

It was a snapchat from Harry, they already have an 18 day streak. She smiles then closes her eyes and takes a picture of her face.

i have a concussion now, pls DONT send help goodnight lol.

She puts and sends it to him within seconds getting a reply.

lol okay ill be at your funeral goodnight cutie :)

a/n true story 100% so this is probably the worst my writing has been in three years and im sorry for mistakes right now but hope you enoy it anyways and yeah all the love, mariah xx

It's a long way down

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