Ch. 1

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I sat on board, hidden from everyone else, it was believed that having women on board was of bad luck. As I sat there hidden in the dark in the stores of the ship. I needed to get out of that place, that town was nothing but trouble. As a Heartfilia things can get difficult, the royal family in which everything you do is being watched and observed, it was all so much more simple before my parents died. Magic was forbidden, and it was also very rear to see someone who knew how to use magic. Me being one of the few people in our family that knew magic, used it to keep all the money and the palace safe from being taken over by bandits or pirates.

Someone walked into the store of the ship, the light form outside revealed my body, immediately the crew member that opened the door to the store yelled out "Captain!" The captain rushed towards us and saw me, the panicked look in his eyes said everything. I needed to get out, I held on closer to the bag in my hands, in there was my only prized possession, the crown that was given to me to represent my new place as the next queen. The captain walked away and nodded, the crew members called over a couple more members and they took me away. As i was held by the neck, my feet on the deck floor and my body hanging over the edge of the boat, "You little shit! How did you get in there?!" The man that held me over the edge looked at me with curiosity.
"Get her!" My eyes widened and fear took over me, I kicked the man that held me on the edge, he let go and i pushed myself off the boat.
A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist, they brought me back inside the boat and chained me up. A thin yet effective chain wrapped tightly around my legs, a small lock made sure that the chains would be undone. A pair of shackles on my wrists to make sure i wouldn't escape.
Everyone huddled up on the deck as they watched me sitting on the floor, all chained up and ready to be thrown off.
The captain walked towards me and kneeled down, "I'm sorry Princess Lucy." He whispered so only i could hear it.
I was out of strength, i hadn't eaten in days, Magic would definitely not be a possible solution to help me escape.
The captain stood up and yelled, "Throw her off!" I closed my eyes as i felt someone pick me up.
I was sat on the edge of the boat over the hand rail of the main deck, once there everyone shouted as they awaited for my eminent death.
"Push her off!"
"Get her off the boat dammit!"
As i was pushed off the edge i held onto the bag, i swore to protect the crown until I was crowned queen.

As i fell i saw my life flash before my eyes, how my mother and father smiled and said "I love you." before their death. I saw my days running through the palace playing with my new found magic. All my happy and sad memories. I saw the day my parents held a fair to celebrate that the royal crown had been given to me, the crown that meant i am the one to receive the Queen's crown when i became old enough.

As the air left my lungs and my consciousness began to fade away, a sudden pain invaded my lungs. I was dying. I moved my arms and legs around all i could but it didn't do anything. I closed my eyes and felt the darkness take me away.

Everything was pitch black, a sudden bright pink light made my eyes open, in front of my i saw how my feet began to get covered in scales, i gasped and immediately closed my mouth remembering i was underwater. As the scales began to cover my feet entirely i realized something. My feet were being in someway fused together, they kind of looked like a fish tail. I looked at my hand and saw the chains that connected my shackles together were now broken and had a neat design on them. I looked at my legs again and they were gone, instead of legs i had a tail, a beautiful pink tail with the chains that were once on my feet now wrapped around the bottom of my tail with the lock now in the shape of a heart, the chain looked like a belt or a sort of bracelet or necklace. I gasped and realized that the water did nothing to me.
All the legends always made me think that mermaids were nothing but made up nonsense, that the stories about women that got lost at sea were to become mermaids were nothing but a bunch of made up lies. Then again i seemed like lies because for all the years i was alive as a human it was believed that having women on board was bad luck, so no woman around had been on a boat.
They would always say that when a person went down deep enough they would see wonders no else ever had. I guess i reached deep enough to see this wonderful place.
I took the bag i had and opened it, i took the crown out and put on the only thing that i had that reminded me of my background.

It's hard to tell time as a mermaid, it's certainly been a while, my body stopped aging at 17 i had been a mermaid for 10 human years. I met other mermaids and they explained that mermaids count time differently, so to them i was technically still 17, though in reality I'm 25.
I had met mermaids before but i still decided to be on my own. I tried to use my magic, after some time i got the hang of it and learned how to use it effectively.
I have been around enough to know a couple things about the ocean.
While exploring my new found abilities as a mermaid I found out that if i go out of the water my legs will come back. I've never bothered on going back, i don't think I'm ready to return to claim my throne, I've been gone for so long. I know Aquarius was left in charge, so i have no worries about the kingdom. My worry is how to get back and explain, or if i can even completely become human again.

I swim up to a nearby island, i take out a torn up dress that is in my bag for occasions in which i decide to walk around. It covers the necessary areas and goes down to my knees.
Once there i walk around and decide to sit down, i lay on the beach under a tree that gives off enough shade, i make sure my crown is in my bag and close my eyes.

First chapter yaay! I hope you like the chapter, i will try to keep updating quickly. I hope you stay for the rest of the drama. -Drina

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