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"Where have you been?" Harry asked me as soon as I entered the Astronomy Tower. The look of concern on his face caused me to smirk.

"Let's not get our wand in a knot, eh? I was hiding from Filch. Peeves found me and started screaming at the top of his lungs, that little git," I lied, smoothly.

He sighed with relief, and headed toward the railing outside, gesturing for me to follow. "So, what'd Snape have to say?"

"Voldemort's getting closer and closer to finding out what I told the giants. I need to lay low, I'm an idiot, I'll be dead as soon as the Dark Lord finds out what I did. You know, Snape stuff," I explained, leaning on the railing and admiring the sky.

"Why is he telling you all this?" The green-eyed boy questioned.

"Apparently, he's supposed to be protecting me."

"How so?"

"I guess by trying to keep me from getting killed. I just don't see how I'm in much danger here. Dumbledore's got my back, right?"

"Of course he does. Speaking of Dumbledore, I have something to tell you."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Tell away."

"He asked me to 'let Slughorn collect me.' I'm supposed to get some memory from him that Dumbledore needs."

I frowned. "Why would Dumbledore need one of Slughorn's memories? The man's got to be at least a hundred, he should have plenty of his own."

"Well, we're starting these private lessons--"

"Private lessons with the Headmaster. Sounds like a good book title," I snickered, causing him to lightly punch my arm. "Sorry, sorry. Go on."

"We've been watching all these memories. Apparently learning more about Voldemort's past will help me defeat him once and for all."

"Why would Slughorn want to 'collect' you, anyway? I mean, school's barely started, and he's already obsessed with you?" I inquired.

"Not trying to boast, Violet, but look at me. I'm Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Slughorn's only interested in students with some kind of past or family line that connects to him. He used to teach my parents," The messy-haired teenager looked down at the ground when he mentioned his parents.

"Well...if you ever need any help...I won't be far," I said, awkwardly trying to change the subject.

He looked me dead in the eye, his brilliant green eyes genuine. "I love you, Violet."

I quickly broke eye contact with him, and looked out at the castle. "You say that a lot."

"So you don't forget," He too looked at the castle, before turning back to me.

"I won't forget, Harry. I'm not an idiot," I told him, looking back at him again.

"I know you're not. I guess I'm just paranoid..."

He slowly started leaning towards me, his face growing closer and closer to mine. His green eyes fluttered closed. My eyes flickered from his lips to his closed eyelids. What was I to do? Was I even ready to kiss him yet? Just before our lips could touch, I put a hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. We stared at each other for a moment, our faces scarlet.

"Er...I should get to bed," I finally spoke up, slicing through the silence between us.

"Right. G'night, then," He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.


I hurriedly left the tower, and headed back to the common room. Not wanting to get caught by Filch, I took the path Fred had showed me, which he apparently never really used. Luckily, I made it back safely, but out of breath. Much to my dismay, Malfoy was sitting on one of the couches by the fire.

"Ugh, you're still up?" I asked, grimacing.

"Your little chat with Potter was adorable," He answered, smirking at me.

"Oh, so you're stalking me now?" I questioned, raising a brow.

"No, just making sure you weren't going to snitch."

"Did you not hear the part where I promised not to tell?" I snapped.

"You expect me to trust you?"

"You admitted your darkest secret to me, so kinda, yeah."

"Thanks for not snitching, I guess..."


He sneered at me, leaning further into the couch cushions. "Why'd you turn him down?"

"Excuse me?" I questioned, hoping he wasn't referring to Harry's attempt to kiss me.

"Don't play dumb! Potter tried to kiss you, and you pushed him away. What was that about?"

I huffed, and rolled my eyes. "Like that's any of your business. I'm going to bed."

"Mind if I--?"

"Shut up!"

After pulling my pajamas on, I curled up in my bed, wrapping myself in my silk sheets. The image of Harry's lips about to make contact with mine kept bouncing around in my head. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about him yet. I loved him once, but could I love him again? Plus, part of me still had feelings for Fred. I never took off the bracelet he had made for me. No matter who I ended up with in the end, it wasn't coming off.

After a few minutes of thought, I finally closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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