Chapter 1: A horrible mistake

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Lucy P.O.V.

"Lucy hurry up!" I open my eyes to see my partner in fairy tail, Natsu, standing over me. I groan then roll over. The sun wasn't even in the sky and he thinks I need to get up? The nerve of him some days. After a few seconds I roll back around and he has his hands on his hips all bossy like.

"We need to get going. We have to leave in twenty minutes so please get up."

"Fine, but next time I choose the time we leave." I packed my bag the night before and I have to get dressed. I was still groggy so I just grab the first clothes I find, which happen to be a pink tube top and black shorts. I put some sandals on then we leave. I roll my bag behind me until we get to the train.

"Here we go again." Natsu looks over at me and smiles, "we can do it though!" Natsu's eyes were shining in the sunlight. He looked so handsome. I walk over and take his hand then start running to the train.

"As long as we're together we can do anything. Promise me natsu, promise we will always be together." I stop running for a second. Never would I have thought Natsu means so much to me. I let a tear fall down my cheek. I turn around to Natsu standing there stunned at my actions.

"Lucy, I will never ever let anyone hurt you. I will do anything to protect you." Natsu causes all emotions in me, and I'm usually able to control them. Right now though is a bit different. Tears start rolling down my face. Natsu pulls me into a bone crushing hug and lets me cry into him.

"We really need to go now Natsu."

"Yeah okay, but seriously Lucy we will always be a team." Before I know what's happening Natsu leans forward and kisses me. What surprises me more is I kissed him back and enjoyed it. Natsu pulls away and take my hand to the train. We are getting a head start on the mission before anyone else comes, even Happy. Natsu said it was a good idea for us to see the terrain before anything else. The train starts to move and Natsu was doubled over in pain. I move over next to him and put his head in my lap. I stroke his hair and think about what it would be like to be Natsu's wife. After a hour of traveling we get to the client's house. Natsu gets off the train and collapses on the ground. He was out and not waking up anytime soon. I decide to go up to the door and see what the client needs. When the door opens a attractive guy opens it. He looks to be about twenty years old.

"Hi, I'm one of the wizards from fairy tail. The flier on the job didn't really say what the job was."

"Oh well, why don't you come in and let me explain." I follow him into a large room with no windows or anything. "Please have a seat. My name is Adam. The job is very simple. There is a animal outside that we need to get. Can you help me?"

"Of course. I'm going to get my partner-"

"No! Please, this animal only comes out at night." Adam stands up and walks toward me. I watch him as he walks to me. "Do you have a boyfriend miss?"

"No sir. Why do you ask?"

"Because it makes this easier." Before I know what happening Adam covers my mouth and drags me to a room. Adam tied my hands behind my back. He starts to take my shorts off. I start kicking him and fighting back but there was nothing I could do. He keep undressing me until I was naked. Adam started to take his pants off and keep coming closer to me.

"Now this will hurt a lot but also feel great, at least to me." I keep struggling against everything until I felt unimaginable pain. I couldn't do anything. Adam punched me so hard I was dizzy.

"Now will you please stop so we can go on?"

Natsu P.O.V.

When I wake up from being out I don't know what's happened. I look around to see my bag, and Lucy's. She is nowhere to be seen but I can smell her as if she just walked into the house. I grab our bags then ring the doorbell. After a few moments of waiting I open the door. I hear springs in another room. I leave the bags at the door and go see what's happening. I think I know but I want to be wrong. I find the door with Lucy's sent most strong the open it. Nothing could have braced me for what I saw. Lucy was lying helpless on the bed with her hands behind her back as she was raped.

"Get off of her!" My hands start to light on fire as I walk over. My hair was covering my eyes. This guy didn't listen so I went closer till I punched him off of Lucy. I untie her as fast as I can. She was sobbing, not like anything before. I get the tie off her mouth.

"It's okay now, I'm here."

"Get away. This was your job." They guy started to say. I go over to him and punch him another time. I can't help but inflict pain on him so I kick him in the stomach. Lucy doesn't stop crying so I grab her clothes and put them back on her. When she was all dressed again I picked her up and left, but before I couldn't help kicking the guy again. I take Lucy and the bags to a safer spot in the woods. She lays on my shoulder and doesn't stop crying, not for a while. All the time I sit and hold her.

"I-I'm sorry." She whispers to me. "I tried to fight back b-but c-couldn't, I was too weak." She starts sobbing again. I pet her hair and talk softly to her,

"No one said it was your fault. I'm glad I was there to help, I wish I was their sooner. If it's anyone's fault it's mine." I can't stop thinking about how I didn't protect her. Before I know it I'm crying with Lucy. "I failed you."I feel her hug me tightly.

"No you didn't. I'm here because of you."

"I love you Lucy."

"I love you too." Lucy falls asleep shortly after. While I'm disappointed in myself I can't help but feel a relief inside me. I've loved Lucy since our first mission together. She is funny and charming. I hear someone start walking toward us. Talking in low voices. I run back to where Lucy is and grard her. The voices get louder until Erza, Gray and Happy emerge through the bushes.

"Natsu! Why on earth did you fight the client?" Gray yells at me. Lucy stirs on the ground. NOt wanting to wake her up I grab Gray and pull him away. Erza and Happy following.

"I fought the client because he hurt Lucy." I noticed she had a bruise on her face that can only have happened because he punched her.

"What? What happened?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there the whole time. I was looking around the house when I heard someone fall to the floor. I noticed it was Lucy so I grabbed her punched the guy back. Got Lucy and ran."

"You saved her Natsu. We should get that beast though." Erza says to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look into the sky. I noticed Virgo's constellation. Lucy showed me all of them once, I hate learning but that I will never forget.

"I'm walking back to where Lucy i-" Before I even finish my sentence I hear her scream. I start running as fast as I can to get to her. The guy was over her again. I tackle him into the ground. "Did you not learn your lesson?"

"No, that's why I'm here. I'm not quite satisfied yet." Everything starts to heat up around me.

"Stay away from us, and Lucy. Never come around her ever again. What did you do this time?"

"Just gave her a few bruises. Nothing too b-" I shut him up by punching him hard in the face. "Let's go back home. I'll take Lucy. Can you take the bags Gray?"

"Sure, why not." He says sarcastically, but still grabs them. I bend down to pick Lucy up again, she started to sob again. Happy flies down next to her and hugs her.

"We're all here for you Lucy." Happy says gently to her. She starts to pet his head and she holds him closer to her. Erza walks up by Gray and gets the tickets to go back to magnolia.

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