*My New Little Puppy

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School the most boring place in the world is finally over today but I have detention so i have to stay for 3 more hours.


I am in class and it's as boring as ever and the teacher is talking about quotes and said "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."

So I pick up a dictionary and throw it at him and I say "do they hurt now huh do they?" everyone starts dying of laughter and then the teacher stands up and everyone fell silent as the teacher yelled "JEON JUNGKOOK YOU HAVE DETENTION FOR 3 HOURS!" I flinched as the teacher has never yelled at me before for anything and I mean anything.

Time skip

Detention finally ended and i finally got to leave. I left the school building and started walking home. When i started to get near my house I heard someone saying "come here little puppy i'm not gonna hurt ya i just wanna play with ya." and then i heard a growl so me being me I looked in the alley and saw a man who looked in his mid 30s and a black puppy that was oh so adorable...

(the puppy is in the pic on the top)

The man was stepping on the puppy's paw and i swear the puppy looked like it was going to cry. I was going to leave and wait for the man to leave the puppy alone but then the man picked the puppy up by it's neck and that's when i found out it was a male puppy; don't ask why i looked there; but he yelped again and i don't know what possessed me to do this but i ran over there and punched the man in the face and he threw the puppy in the air as he went down I tried to catch the puppy and successfully did even though i am the clumsiest person in the world. I put the puppy on his feet. I walked over to the man and made sure the man was down before I walked back to the puppy.
"it's okay now" I rubbed the puppy's head, he had a small thin collar that said taehyung"go back home taehyung." he whined
" i can't keep you." he whined again so i sat on the ground and he climbed in my lap

"oh come on if you be too affectionate i have to keep you" he looked up and after a moment licked my face. I fell back and he wouldn't stop licking my face.

"yah stop it." i started laughing and tried to sit back up but there was something where i put my hand and my hand slipped so i fell back down and groaned. Taehyung stopped licking my face and whimpered then got off of me, got behind me and pushed my head up, i sat up very carefully afraid i would fall again.

"im clumsy and kinda stupid." The dog whined like he understood what i was saying and like he was disagreeing.
"okay now i have to keep you come on." His tail wagged and he barked excitedly and followed me as we walked towards my house.
Once we got in my house he walked around and i just giggled because he so freaking adorable.

"stay in here do not follow me okay im taking a shower." he just tilted his head and laid down on the carpet. i went into my room and got my clothes out of my closet then set them on my bed.I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to check on Taehyung only to see him asleep on my carpet then i walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower.Once i got out i saw the little puppy in my bathroom staring at me.


Taetae laid on the very fluffy carpet.' taetae wants to shift back to human form but he can't because the boy will most likely freak out by taetae's ears and tail and that there is some random boy in his living room.  He wouldn't believe taetae if taetae told him that taetae was the dog he let in from the streets would he?' Taetae was about to shift back when he heard the water stop so taetae being the curious idiot he is he walked to where he heard the water stop and when taetae walked through the door of wherever the sound came from soon to find out it was a bathroom with a naked boy in it. Luckily he had a towel on his waist so everything he probably wanted to stay hidden was hidden, When he finally noticed that taetae was there he came closer and petted taetae's head.

Taetae tilted his head and he just chuckled "just go to the living room and stay there." he pushed taetae out of the door and closed it. Taetae whined and scratched at the door and after a few moments he finally opened the door again shirtless."want some food you must be hungry?"He walked into the kitchen and took out some meat taetae thinks and started cooking it. Once it was done he got a bowl out and put some meat in it then he put it on the floor. I looked up and tilted my head. "eat it it's yours."

Taetae's tail went flying as he ate it was soooo delicious.

" Once we're done with our food we are going to bed alright."

After a few minutes taetae finished his food but the boy was still eating so taetae went over and sat next to him, tilting his head acting cute because he wanted more food.

" Do you want more or something?" The boy asked. His tail started wagging again and he dropped a few pieces of meat on the floor. " Here." He chuckled as taetae almost face-planted into the floor.
When taetae was done eating the meat he dropped, he was finished with his food and he headed upstairs but shortly stopped when he was on the 3rd step. "Are you coming or not?" He asked and me being me taetae walked towards the stairs but stopped at the front because taetae has never climbed stairs and his leg was hurt. " Come on i'll carry you." He picked taetae up and held him close to his chest.
Once at the top we walked into a room taetae guesses was his bedroom and he put taetae down. Taetae whimpered when he set him down because of his leg being hurt. " Is your leg hurt? Let me see..." He sat on the floor beside of taetae and grabbed his leg, he whimpered and flinched. " I need to bandage it" He got up and looked for something. Once he found what he was looking for he sat back down beside of taetae and grabbed his paw again. " I'm not going to hurt you just let me wrap your paw." He then put the bandage on his paw. Once he finished bandaging taetae's paw he got up and headed towards his bed. " Come on you can sleep in my bed with me." Taetae slowly walked towards his bed and jumped onto it. " Let's sleep now." He said as he turned the lamp off and taetae and the boy went to sleep.

' Taetae really hopes he doesn't change forms in his sleep because if this really is one of his unlucky days then it's most likely to happen' 

A/N: Taetae will talk in 3rd pov it makes him more innocent and cute.

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