>chapter 1< moving out >

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"your highness it's time to wake up" Maria said, waking me up from my sweet slumber, "your mother and father will be waiting for you down stairs at the chariot in an hour madam" she added,

with no time to spare I jumped out of my bed, lilttle dizzy, I walked to the bathroom to take a shower, the warm water rushing down my body felt great.

By the time I finish, my clothes and belongings are in the chariot waiting for me, then it hit me "what am I going to wear?!" I mentally screamed, I was going to call Maria then I saw my blue laced dress with a gold belt in my bed, folded neatly, I wore the dress, and slipped my feet in my flat sandals,... I frowned when I noticed they packed away my hair brush.

"Maria, Maria, where is my brush?" I called out half yelling.

"I'm sorry princess we already packed it, we will get it for you." she said then walked away.

I sat on my bed caressing it's smooth cover, "I can't believe we're moving" I mentally stated,

"please sit down on the chair princess, I will brush your hair for you" Maria said as she walked in my room.

I sat down in my chair and look at the reflection

, "there's me, Maria brushing my black hair, looking at my face you can see my blue with green flake eyes then my pink lips" I thought, i closed my eyes imagining the new house that I will be staying for the rest of my life, In a few minutes I will be living in a new world at Europe, were duke and duchess live, and for me, well, I'm just going to live in the most antique mansion. Also know as the "Grand Mansion" I sigh internally.

I felt someone caress my rosy cheek, I opened my eyes, I saw father "Rosie , it's time to go, you can take a few minutes to say good bye to your room" father gave me a weak smile and left my room

"so, it's time"

I left my room not looking back as memories flash in my mind,

walking down the grand staircase, went out of the old camagong door, the chariot is already waiting for me,

"honey, are you ready to go?" mother asked. "yes mother" i said as I get in the chariot, the whole ride was silent, until I broke the silence,

"why are we going to Europe again?"

Mother answered "honey, we are going there because of the economical crisis"

"So, in Europe there are no economic crisis?, is there any chance of us going back in our province?"

"honey, don't give us a hard time, you will definitely have new friends there."

"okay" I stayed silent again closing my eyes and hoping to fall asleep and wake up in a new world.

Untitled EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon