Chapter 2

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*Chelsea's POV*

~Every single night

And every single day

Imma do my thang

Imma do my thang

So don't you worry 'bout me

Imma be okay, Imma do my thang~(I love Miley btw)

I blast Do My Thang by Miley Cyrus while I get ready for school. I get my outfit and set it on my bed, then I strip in the bathroom and shower. Once I'm out I change and blow dry my hair. Next I go to my makeup, I choose a natural look for the day. Once I'm done I head down stairs.

"Good morning Chelsea!" My mom says in a very cheerful mood.

"Uh morning mom." I away awkwardly. I grab some bread and toast it. When I'm done eating I say goodbye to my mom and drive off.

I'm actually very excited to go to school today (: I wonder what it's like going to school in Bradford. (A/N It's a couple months later and Chelsea has yet to make friends.) I hope it's not too bad.

As I park my car still blasting my music people are starring at me. What have they never hear Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo? Geez judgmental much..? When I get out of my car I can feel peoples stares on me. Uh it's so creepy. I ignore them and continue on.


"Damn watch where you're going, geez" I hear someone say as I turn the corner on my way to the front office.

"Oh sorry didn't see you there!" Wow this guy looks different. Don't get me wrong it's like a hardcore badass kind of different. I like it ;)

"Yeah yeah, you must be new here" I wonder why he's still talking to me, I mean I'm the new girl.

"I am actually. Sorry I haven't even told you my name, it's Chelsea. And you are" I hope I make a new friend already.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he says and walks away with just that.

.__. whale damn. That's uh.. weird? I don't even know how to describe that honestly.

Hey guys it's Jessica! So I started this new story ((: All if these ideas are mine, don't expect very much. I'm not much of a writer tbh. Well yeah (: leave me your opinions please, nice or mean it helps me get better and fix my errors. Just don't go overboard with them. Bye lovelies.🌚

-J E S S I C A ❁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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