Upon a Star [2]

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A family of bunnies set of in search for teacups. That was what we were, really—I couldn't help but notice and take multiple videos of the two of them arguing over the number of bunny tails we could have purchased at the merchandise store. In Xander's defense, I had to admit that the limited-edition goods were rather pricey. Everything was at Disneyland, for the matter. That included the entry tickets but it being a once in a lifetime opportunity and to celebrate Giselle's recovery, it was worth everything.

"The queue..." My husband's sister pointed out as soon as we neared the famous Alice ride, appearing rather upset. The sign at the entrance of the ride indicated a total of 35 minutes waiting time at least.

"It's not that bad," Xander comforted, and the grey bunny ears on his head flopped. Uwaa this isn't good for the heart!! He looks so cute! "I've heard it go over an hour. Thankfully the day's just started...it's only our second ride."

We held hands and joined the queue, tempted by the scent of fresh popcorn wafting in the air. Giselle was, to be specific. I only had eyes for churros, hehe. While the few of us were busy mapping out the rides to go on next while Xander checked the waiting times for each of them on his phone app, I couldn't help but notice the group of teens chatting behind us.

"Teacups? Queue? You're joking," a girl said to one of her friend in a mocking tone, to her friend rolled his eyes.

"This is insane. Thirty minutes for a teacup ride? I don't remember Alice being so popular." Giselle and Xander were starting to notice the bunch of them behind us as well.

"Exactly," the tall, blonde-haired teen who had rolled his eyes earlier agreed. "Which was what I said in the first place."

The group continued to argue among themselves and I found myself wondering how it would have been like to go on a date like this when we were younger; or hang out and have fun with a group of friends anywhere at all. It would've been nice. Only time wasn't something we could turn around, and youth something to be treasured.

I felt someone from behind bump into me (I stumbled forward a little) and turned to see what had happened. Xander of course, was not happy with the tiny incident. I could see from the corner of my eye his instant glare.

It's kind of like instant coffee. '3 in 1 instant angst'!

"My apologies," the very very very tall and lanky person who'd bumped into me nodded with a mumble, and for some reason I could actually tell he was embarrassed. He was probably only a couple of inches shorter than Xander. I on the other hand...

"Are you alright?" He added after my lack of response, and I couldn't help but notice the way his really long hair fell forward like a waterfall.

"I-I'm fine! Thank you."

"Why you gotta scare people all the time, vulture?" Vulture? I blinked. What a strange name. The guy from earlier teased with a punch on his shoulder, and the person who had bumped into me turned behind with a glare. Someone tugged on my sleeve.

"Yes, Giselle?" She pointed to the foldable map and pouted impatiently. "Ah! Sorry. What is it?"

I was about to turn back and continue with our Disney plan when Mr. Vulture spoke again.

"Excuse me for intruding," he began awkwardly, with a very strange sort of straight face. "But I must know if you are Giselle Jaxon. The artist. Sorry if I—"

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