Part 19 Staying at Jessica's place

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[Date:22.02|Time:12 PM]

Jungkook's POV

She left me here,again...I cant control myself infront of her...Can I just accept that she might like someone else...I love her so much but I dont know how to express it.I hope she would accept me if I confess to her for real this time...

Anna's POV

I walked really fast back to Jessica's apartment.When I opened the door,there was heard screaming and yelling from thw living room.Aishh..
I walked to the kitchen to put the food in the fridge for now."Your back?"Daehwi walked closer behind me.I nodded."What happened?"he asked.

"Nothing.."I took my bag but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me."Dont lie to me,Anna."he pushed me to face him.

"P-please,I-I just want a normal life.."I sobbed.He pulled me into a hug.

"Can you tell me what happened?I wont tell Jess and I promise that I wont judge you."he gave me a smile."Okay."I gave a small smile back.

"I went to the market and saw Seokjin buying condoms...But thats not important,I was walking back *sniff* here but a man started to touch me an *sniff* d I couldnt stop him and then Jung-*sniff*-kook came and punched that man*sniff* hard and then Jungkook apologized to me but I said I want to think about those things*sniff* and I left him there."my face was full of tears."Dont cry,Im here for you,I will kill that bastard."he put his hand on my head while hugging me.

"Now thats over,lets go watch a movie 🎥!"he smiled and took the food out."Lets goo~"he ran out of the kitchen and plopped down next to Jess on the couch.
I wiped away my tears.Im lucky that I have them,when I had a tough time,they always came and cheered me up and helped.

They are my bestfriends forever.We will be young forever.[Backround song BTS-young forever.]

I sat next to Daehwi and we started to watch drama.Big👍.

We watched 3 episodes of it.The main character boy is quite handsome;).[I recommend to watch it]

I got quite tired.It was like 3 am.I said goodmornight and went to sleep.

I couldnt get him out of my head.But everytime I thought about him,Taehyung apeared in my mind.What is this feeling??!?!Am I in love with two boys?But I had a crush on every single one of them....Ugghhhh.If Jungkook and Taehyung could just stop that what they are doing,If not then imma break.I looked at the seeling,trying to sleep.

I remembered their face for last time and then I fell asleep.

[Date:28.02|Time: 8 AM]

Yes I stayed for a quite while.But I cant help it.I like it here now.

I woke up to someone shaking me up."Get up you lazy a**!"Jess was annoyed."What do you want?"I groaned and hide my head under the pillows."I want you to get up and do something for me!"she pulled the blanket off me."WHAT!"I yelled."You look cute with that bed hair."she giggled."YAH!"I tried to stood up but I failed.She tied my legs together....I fell on the floor.

"DAEHWI!!HELP!"I wiggled around like a worm.
"Shut up."Jess smiled and covered my mouth."Mmmmnfmdm"these sounds came out of my mouth.

"What do you want its like 8 am in the morning idio-"Daehwi entered the room and stopped walking when he saw our position."What porno are you doing here?"he crossed his hands.

"We are just-just playing y-yeah."she smiled.I bit her hand."OUCH!"she yelled.

I wiggled out of our position and untied my legs.I ran as quickly as possible out of the room and I locked the room so she cant get out.Mwahahaha>:)

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