Welcome to Haven High

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Things you should know:

Haven High is located in San Fransisco – near the Pacific Ocean, close to Golden Gate National Park, and a multitude of deep freshwater lakes. Its temperate climate is considered ideal for the many magical beings that attend the school. 

It is a secondary school that includes grades 7 through 12. This American High School educates presumably ordinary kids from the age of 12-19 through puberty.

Many think that Haven High is the stereotypical American High School when, in point of fact, it is actually a holding facility for the half human/half magical beings of North America. With other such schools placed strategically across the globe. 

The teachers in these schools are magical beings, either halfbloods or full, tasked with the responsibility of rearing the half blood magical beings of the world.

It's not predetermined that these half bloods will manifest magical abilities, but if they do, they are sworn to secrecy with the threat of being stripped of their new powers by the unforgiving governing council entitled M.A.G.I.C (the Mythhological Agency Governing Incredible Creatures). 

Not only will the M.A.G.I.C. council strip the "Enlightened" of their powers, but they will wipe them of all but their 'mundane memories' leaving none of their memories of any of the experiences they have had in the magical world. 

However, if their powers never manifest they are none the wiser as they just obtain an ordinary high school diploma and experience. 

It is for this reason that halfbloods spend most of their waking hours pretending to be something they are not. They can't even let their guard down at school. Haven High is no Hogwarts.

For the students that have come into their power, it is expected that they keep up with their regular studies, but once they become "Enlightened" a new wing of the school is suddenly revealed to them, one that the non-magical students can't see.

The 'magic wing' as it is referred, exists in a different time and plane of existence. There the students spend their afternoons training and learning how to control and hide their powers from humanity. 

Every 'Enlightened' halfblood student once their powers manifest must take on a mentor to learn more about controlling and developing their magical abilities (usually one of the teachers of the school).

They must also study a martial art form and the use of a weapon. As upon graduation they are conscripted against their will into the Council's guard and must serve for five years. They don't even have a choice of where they will be placed in the world. Often having to move continents away from friends and family.

Unfortunately, many of the children that go there have only one or none of their biological parents in their life for various reasons --usually having everything to do with magic. 

As a result many halfblood children are being raised by adoptive or foster parents with no knowledge of their children's magical heritage.

Fortunately, even if their parents are entirely human and are not aware of the magical world, it is as if by magic that they - whether adoptive, biological, or foster -suddenly find that there is every reason to move their family to San Fransisco. 

Even though it is considered one of the most expensive places to live in the world. It is almost as if by divine intervention everything aligns to make it happen; no matter where the children are from in North America and sometimes the world. When in reality the council had placed a 'lure' on every halfblood magical child when they were born that activates as soon as they turn 12.

Haven High not only hosts students from all over North America, it also hosts many foreign exchange students as well. One explanation for this is that there are not enough magical beings left in the world to instruct or mentor all the various magical halfblood students, therefore, some students have to travel to other countries or continents to find the right mentor to teach them how to control their powers and not reveal themselves. 

The reason the council and the school can be found in SF is because all magic is created by siphoning the energy from the earth's Ley-lines and the places that they intersect or cross are the most powerful. The hub that connects them all can be found in the Bay Area. 

At first it is thought that the council was established to prevent corruption or misuse of the hub, and to safeguard humans, but through the years as the council itself becomes more corrupt it has become apparent that the council members are using the hub's power for their own personal gain.

But one will step forward to challenge it all.

Unfortunately for the Halfbloods, he is ruthless and maniacal, and a bit of a psychopath. He intends to overthrow the council, no matter who stands in his way, and he's not opposed to using the halfbloods of Haven High as cannon fodder to enact his revenge. 

Zach and his squad find themselves smack dab in the middle of the conflict. But if the powers that be and the ones they pissed off think they can fuck with the halfbloods lives. 

They can think again.

Not if Zach and his crew have anything to say about it.

***********************THANKS FOR READING*********************

After checking out the cast in the following pages come on by my page and read Enlightened Haven High Book One. The first six chapters have already been posted. 

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