*Kristen's POV*
The shining moments of the early hours of that day kept me from focusing on anything else,clouding my vision and dripping hot wax right in the center of my soul.
She was everywhere.
And she was nowhere,because no one was like her.The world felt dull and dusty,sinking in her ever-present memory,bowing down when faced with her purple ambiguity.
I went home afterwards,I think.
It was a sunny,but cold,paradoxal sort of day,when one's hands freeze in the sun.
I sat down on the couch and hugged my stuffed tiger,burying my face in his plastic fur.
"Whatever am I going to do with all these thoughts "I said to myself.
My contemplation of the dust particles scattered throughout the orange material was interrupted by a phone call.
"Connor"it said
"Hey"I said,my voice hoarse from lack of use.
"Wanna hang out?"he asked.
"Yeah ok."I replied,wanting to run as far as I could from that dimly-lit bookshop where dreams lay scattered on the floor and her sapphire eyes outshine everything else.
"She won't call"I thought.
She wouldn't.She can't possibly want to.It was just another manifestation of her ever so impulsive nature,asking for my number.
"Kris? "Said a male voice ,seemingly out of the blue.
"Yeah what?"I said,a bit startled.
"When should I come pick you up?''
"How does right now sound?"
"On my way"he said,then hung up."
We arrived in St.James's Park about half an hour later.He was kind and friendly, but I couldn't focus on his amber eyes and elfish grin for she was,at that moment,and she would be, from that moment on,as I was to discover in the course of the next few weeks,the one and only exhibit in the living museum that was my heart.
FanfictionThere's faith. Then there's slumber. Endless,shocking slumber of the mind and of the soul. Help me not fall into it,will you?