4|| Apology

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I was waiting some where with Yoongi he just had a mask on and was on his phone I just sat there there was an awkward silence between us when I heard my name come up I stood up so did Yoongi the doctor took my height and weight

"You're growing by height but you're losing a lot of weight that's not good" I nodded he told us to follow him we got in his office and sat down the doctor looked at me "Are you pregnant?" I shook my head he nodded and pointed at Yoongi "Who's that?" I looked at Yoongi

"He's my boyfriend" Yoongi looked at me shocked I nervously smiled and looked back at the doctor "Can you just help me with my problem" He nodded

"Another doctor will come and check up on you" I nodded he smiled and left Yoongi sighed I looked at him

"What's wrong?" He looked at me

"What if he knew I was Suga of BTS he sure knew you so then on the news it would say Byun Victoria has a boyfriend and some A.R.M.Y's would recognize me" He grabbed my chin and faced towards him "You better fix this Victoria or else we will both suffer" He let go I stood up he grabbed my wrist and held it tightly is started hurting

"Yoongi you're hurting me" He looked at me serious and cold

"Don't let him get suspicious" I nodded he let go I looked through my wrist it was bruised I left the room and saw the doctor I ran to him

"Doctor Jung" He looked at me and cleared his throat

"Yes Victoria?" I looked at him worried

"I'm sorry I said boyfriend he's not my boyfriend he's my friend I was just panicking when you asked me who he was I'm sorry" I looked down he patted my head I looked up he was smiling

"It's fine Victoria I understand well go back to the room before the other doctor comes okay?" I nodded then went to the room Yoongi looked at me then back at his phone I sat next to him nervously he grabbed my hand

"I'm sorry Victoria I wasn't trying to be harsh and I don't want you to be scared of me I want you to know that you can be safe around me" I nodded and smiled at the him

"It's fine Yoongi I forgive you" The doctor came in when she saw us she smiled

"Hello I'm Doctor Kim nice to meet you" I smiled and nodded she sat down and went into the files I think Doctor Jung gave her "So you said you've been throwing up lately and you're sure you're not pregnant?" I nodded she nodded and stacked the papers "Come and sit on this bed we're going to give you a sonogram just in case you're pregnant" I nodded I sat on the bed she grabbed a gel and put it some on her hand "This is gonna be cold okay?" I nodded she lifted up my shirt and put the gel on it I shivered a bit she looked at the screen and nodded she got a wipe and wiped the gel off and put my shirt down "You're not pregnant" I nodded and sighed she helped me off the bed "So the reason you're throwing up is because you haven't been eating a lot lately so I suggest you eat more than usual well that's it" I nodded and stood up Yoongi stood up too she led us out and said goodbye Jin picked is up brought us to the Dorm I sat down and sighed

"What a day" I went to the kitchen where Jin was cooking he saw me and smiled

"Yes?" I stood next to him

"Where's Jungkook's room?" He looked at me shocked and rubbed the back of his neck

"Um I don't think you want to go in his room he won't be very happy to see you he's actually doing something in there so" I giggled and looked at him

"I'm going anyways" I ran upstairs he followed me when I saw a sign on the door that sign on the door that said Jungkook I opened it I am him kissing a girl Jin covered my eyes

"HYUNG WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BANGING INTO MY ROOM IS THAT VICTORIA?!" I flinched I heard him saying goodbye to the girl then Jin moved us over Jungkook grabbed both of us and grabbed me from him he slammed the door

"Jungkook are you alright?" He scoffed and laughed

"OH yeah I great I just needed a girl to help realese my stress that's all YOU KNOW WHAT VICTORIA I THOUGHT I LIKED YOU I THOUGHT I COULD SEE YOU AS SOMEONE I TRUST" I sat there in shock he was coming at me I shielded myself Jin went in front of me

"STOP THIS JUNGKOOK SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PROBLEMS SO LEAVE HER ALONE" Jungkook punched Jin they fought Yoongi came in and stopped them

"JUNGKOOK AND JIN WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING?!" They pointed at me Yoongi sighed "Jungkook apologize and Jin come with me" Jungkook scoffed

"I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO HER" Yoongi grabbed him by the collar

"Stop being a baby and say sorry" Yoongi grabbed Jin's wrist and left I stared at Jungkook he sighed and went towards me I closed my eyes he hugged me I opened my eyes slowly

"U-Um Jungkook?" He hugged me tightly

"I'm sorry Victoria I just was stressed and under pressure I didn't mean to take it all on you and I'm sorry for that will you accept my apology?" I nodded

"Jungkook I accept your apology" He realesed and smiled a bit I stood up he led me out to Taehyung's room Namjoon was talking to him he looked at me and smiled I smiled back "Ready to go?" He nodded and went out with me we walked home since I wanted the manager to have a break when we got there I made something for him since I already ate he ate then I went to take a shower when I got out Namjoon was in the studio I quickly got dressed and snuck in while he was focused writing lyrics while listening to music I was drifting to sleep and then everything went black

(Namjoon's POV)

I was done writing some lyrics I stood up and stretched I saw Victoria  sleeping I chuckled and picked her up and put her in my bed well I guess I didn't have a problem with sleeping in the same bed as her so I sat next to her and put a strand of hair behind her ear and I fell asleep

Yeah so I know that it's taking me a long time to make another chapter for (Fake Boyfriend, Playboy Interest and My Job) but I'm working on it okay so thanks for reading my books and following me Bai

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