chapter 6:

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*a few weeks later*

I'm finally home! Well back in California I should say. After we landed at the airport I said my temporary good byes to everyone and promised to keep in touch. Lizzy made me double promise her that I would stay in touch which made me laugh. After the larger group was gone it was just I, Jasmine, Willow, and Brian that were left. “So what now?” I asked while holding my bags.
“Well I was kinda hoping you would come back to my place for the night” Brian admitted sheepishly.
“Oh… Well Jasmine would have to take my bag home for…” Before I could even finish my sentence she took my bag out of my hands.
“Are you sure?” I questioned with the raise of one perfectly groomed eyebrow.
“Totally, you crazy kids go have fun!” She smiled before giving us both a hug and running off with Willow. Huh… That was weird.
“She better not have sex on my bed…” I frowned as I stood there with my bathroom bag still in hand making Brian bust out in a fit of laughter.
“You ready?” He chuckled.
“Yep” I giggled.

Taking my hand in his, he intertwined our fingers together as we walking out of the airport. “I don't think things could get anymore perfect right now” I thought to myself as I looked up at Brian. The California sun the way it streamed down from the sky gave depth to all the bulges in his arm muscles making them look huge. It also brought the beautiful color of the ink in all his little monster tattoos. He was and looked like a rock god.
“See something you like there princess?” He asked while looking down at me through the corner of his eye.
“Maybe” I giggled while biting my lip. “Have I ever told you how sexy you look with a tan?”.
“You know I don't think you have, have I ever told you how sexy you look in general?” he smirked as he opened his car door for me.
“I think you have at least once… Maybe twice” I smiled before closing my door.

“So what do you want for dinner?” He questioned as he climbed into the driver's seat. Starting the car Brian then proceeded to pull out of the parking lot as I thought silently about his question. What did I want? Italian? No. Mexican? Not quite.
“Ooo how does Chinese sound? I haven't had Chinese in awhile” I asked.
“That sounds good, I'm buying though” he added.
“Brian…” I sighed, I didn't argue though because I know it was pointless.
“You know I still think I got a bottle of Bogle hidden in my cupboard somewhere” he smiled. My eyes lit up, Bogle was a type of cheap red wine that I just so happened to have a weakness for. The only reason why it probably survived through Michelle living there was it was probably too cheap for her taste.
“Are you serious?” I cooed excitedly.
“Yeah I'm like 90℅ sure” he chuckled. I quickly leaned over the center counsel of his car and planted a kiss right on his high cheek bone. “I didn't know wine got you that excited” he grinned, he was trying to make what he said to be taken dirty.
“Shut up Haner” I giggled.
“So do you want me to pick it up or just have it delivered?” He inquired.
“Delivered. I'm dying to get in some comfy clothes, pop open that bottle of Bogle, curl up with you, and watch some scary movies” I stated.
“By comfy clothes do you mean my clothes?” he asked before throwing a wink my way.
“Exactly” I answered.

When we arrived at Brian's he went ahead and ordered the Chinese food while I was up in his room trying to find a T-shirt of his I wanted to wear. I thought about how he'd probably like me in one of his custom Synyster shirts but for some reason a band T-shirt sounded just as good right about now. Nah I will just go with one of his Synyster shirts, I knew I would probably get more attention in it compared to a regular band T-shirt anyways. Pulling one off the hanger I then walked over to his bed and began stripping my sundress away. Folding it up neatly, I then took my bra off leaving me in only my black thong before I slipped his shirt over my head. The t-shirts material came to a stop about mid thigh length and just barely covered the bottom of my round little ass, damn I felt sexy. As I tugged my hair free from underneath the shirt's collar I heard a whistle come from the open bedroom doorway making me jump.
“Brian you scared me” I frowned playfully at him.
“Sorry I couldn't help it… Damn you look good, I'm a little sad I missed the show though” he teased causing me to stick my tongue out at him childishly. “Hey I have been meaning to ask you” he started to add as he walked over to me “when did you get your tongue pierced?” He smirked with a cock of his eyebrow. I felt blush rise a little in my cheeks, I remembered when we were teenagers he told me one time he thought they were sexy.
“Oh… You noticed huh? I got it on one of my drunk night…” I admitted shamefully.
“Well it was sure nice surprise the other day when we made out in Jasmine’s hotel room” he remarked while looking into my eyes, I felt my heart skip a beat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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