Love Story (for Hannah)

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"Whoa there girl!" you say to your horse as you stop by the meadow.

It's a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there's birds singing in nearby trees.

In front of you is a golden meadow. Among the long grass, there's a few wild flowers scattered around here and there.

Closing your eyes, you let your mind go back to when you first met Hunter.

The summer air, the lights, the party, the ball gowns, him making his way through the crowd to say hello. Everything about that night was perfect.

Laying down on the grass, you think about your dad. He was never a fan of you and Hunter's relationship. Because Hunter was on tour so much, your dad thought he wouldn't be able to take care of you like he should and he'd be too busy for the kind of relationship you deserve.

You remember the times you used to sneak out to the garden to see Hunter, all the time keeping quiet because you knew you and Hunter would be dead if your dad found out.

You've been dating Hunter for over a year. The only thing you want now is  to get married.

Sure you've talked about it with him, but it never seemed like it was on the top of his list.

As you're mulling over your thoughts, you hear Hunter's car pull up.

Sitting up, you see Hunter approach.

"Hey. Thought I might find you here," he says as he kisses you.

Smiling, you kiss him back.

"Hunter, listen. I've been thinking about some things."

Hunter raises his eyebrows.

"Oh? What kind of things?"

" know it's just...well lately I've been feeling like this relationship has been stuck."

Hunter takes in a sharp breath of air and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not breaking up with you," you add quickly.

"Oh thank God."

"But seriously tho. I've just been feeling...well...alone. I mean, I understand you're on tour and everything, but I keep waiting you know? And well, sometimes I wonder if this is just all in my head. Sometimes I'm not sure what to think."

Hunter doesn't say anything at first. He simply stands there and strokes your horse's nose.

After what seems like forever, Hunter finally speaks.

"Well I wasn't planning on doing this until later, but I think I should do this now."

Pulling out a small box from his pocket, Hunter gets down on one knee and opens the box. Inside is a small diamond ring.

"Hannah, will you marry me? I love you a lot. I really do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I already talked to your dad. So how about it baby? Say yes?"

It takes you a moment to collect yourself. All you can do is nod and smile.

"Yes! Of course I will!" you say as you throw your arms around him.

"Great! That's exactly what I'd hope you'd say."

Sorry if it's not as long as you wanted. I'm kinda bad at writing long ones. Hope you like it!

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