Chapter 2:Dawn of a new day

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(POV)-Kevin R

So I did my daily routine but at my way to school someone dragged me to an alleyway

Stranger:Hey kid you want a box of popsicle sticks


Stranger:only hundred cash

Me: I'll take it

I paid the stranger and he gave me the box

Me:what's your name anyway

Stanger:Nobody should know my name but you can call me the smuggler

Me:ok thanks for the deal

Smuggler:remember I always look at you

so I went to school and entered my classroom

everyone is playing dampa the usual but gian called me


Me: hey kevin


Me : what is inside the box


Me: Ok,hey lets play dampa again

Kevin : ok,but wait i'll just put my stuff in my place then we'll play

but then zo suddenly appeared

ZO: So you have battled kenmart yesturday.

Kevin: yeah I lost

ZO: poor kevin or should I say weakling

Kevin : that's it Zo shut your mouth jackass

Me : whoa hey stop fighting

ZO: get out of the way loser

Me: What the **** did you just say?!

*I tried to punch Zo but kevin restrains me from doing it*

Me : You got lucky this time Zo

but mark my words you will regret this

Cells: Zo what the heck are you just doing standing around these people

Zo: just doing buisness

Cells: let get out of here

*Zo and cells left*

Kevin : arseholes

Me : don't say that they may here you

Kevin : who cares **** them

Me: look lets just play

Kevin: ok fine

Me: oh yeah what's inside the box

Kevin: don't tell this to them but a whole box of popsicle sticks

Me: what that's expensive

Kevin : I bought it on one stranger named smuggler he says he's always watching me

Me : how much did you bought it

kevin: 100

Me : oh ok,uh hey can I have some popsicles

kevin : of course

*give a bunch of popsicle sticks

Me: thanks man

but my phone rings and everyone heard it

phone: "push me and then just touch me till I can get my satisfaction"


smuggler:hey did you just spread about it

kevin : look I can explain

smuggler : this is your last chance

kevin : ok

*ends call*


then my teacher confiscates my phone and I cried like a baby yeah,why not

then Zo came to me

ZO: oh boo hoo hahaha what an idiot

Me: that's it your dead

so I punched Zo in the stomach but his friends came to stop me

Zhoe : what is your problem?!

Me: my problem he's the one who started it

Cells:Who cares about you after all we are class A and we are gonna maintain it through the tournament next week.

then all of the persons in the class A


Me: wait there is a tournament for dampa

Zo: I can't believe im saying this but yes there is a tournament

Me:ok then see you on the tournament rock knocker

So I went to class C to tell about the tournament


gian: I like hamburgers and hotdogs and eggs hahaha

they laughed but I heard kevin beside me

kevin: LISTEN!!!!!!

Me: ahhhhhhhhh You ****

kevin:listen there's a chance for us to beat class A

evander: how?

kevin: the dampa tournament

gian: yeah but last year class E fought in the tournament they suddenly disappear

kevin: yeah I know that incident

"but while we are talking the school bell rings indicating school is over"

kevin: later bitches

me: see you tomorrow

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