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Soccer8Hockey: remember when i 1st got your number?


"Hey, d'ya know who that girl is?" Mark asked me in the cafeteria during lunch.

"Isn't that J from JAS Girls?" My other friend (idiot #6) asked, munching on his sandwich, not caring a bit that bread crumbs were flying everywhere, some landing in a girl named Melodie's lunch across the table. Melodie sent me a disgusted look.

I held my hands up in surrender. "He did it, not me."

"He's one of your goons, you're taking the blame for your people's actions," she said a-matter-of-a-factly.

This school's student rank system is really getting on my nerves. Apparently now in order to survive school life, you had to be in a group, and the group leader had to be responsible for everything the group members do. Of course, you can kick people out of a group but idiot #6 had no group to join so I took him in. The minimum for a group was a trio - 3 people. Most 'cool kids' groups had 3 member, and JAS (Girls) just happened to be the most popular one.

I turned my attention back on Mark. "What about her?"

He shrugged and sent me a smirk. "Just wondering."

I raised my eyebrows, but unfortunately, he turned the other way, talking to Daniel on his right.

The cafeteria doors swung open. Just my luck, the rest of JAS (A and S) walked in. I don't know their real names, but I think that A's nickname is Bella. I heard S call her that once.

"Speak of the devil," Mark muttered. Daniel whispered back to him (although I could still hear), "Ooooh!", which was silenced by Mark's, "Shut up!"

What is going on with them? I have no idea.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I looked up. J was standing right next to me, empty-handed. No lunch tray, no drink, no nothing.


"Thanks." She smiled. A tiny smile.

"Say, why aren't with your friends?" Mark asked.

J shrugged. "I don't know."

"Aren't you hungry? You don't have any food...you don't even have a tray!"

"I'm full!"


"Leave her alone, Mark, let her be," I interrupted.

"Oooh, someone's jealous!" Idiot #6 cut in. I glared at him and he got the point and shut up.

Mark tried to add on to what idiot #6 was saying, but got cut off by the bell, signalling the end of lunch. He turned to J instead. "See ya in math!"

"You two are in the same math class?" I thought J was a year younger...?

To my surprise, J answered for him. "No, he was just trying to sound cool."

I bit back a laugh and turned to her, taking out my phone. "Hey, can I have your number?"

She tilted her head. "Why?"

"You seem interesting."

She gave me another tiny smile and took my phone from my hand. With a few quick taps, she unlocked it to the home screen!

I stared. "How did you-"

She looked up at me briefly, before looking back at my phone screen. "It's was just a guess."

I had my phone back in my hand less than a minute later. I texted her, just to ensure that it works.

Soccer8Hockey: hey is this J?

I waited for a while but there was no response. Oh well, she probably wasn't the type that are on their phones 24/7. I'm not, that's for sure. Soccer and hockey takes a priority.

*End of Flashback*

Soccer8Hockey: that was when i still saw you regularly at school...

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