Her : well looky her if it my ex- lover and his big bro
Mateo : sike hoe I never loved you Katrina
Ayo : *laughs *
Katrina: *sad* mateo after all I done for you * yes turn to red like blood *
Then she slung Mateo in to a big tree that feel over on him
Me/ ayo : MATEOOOOO!!!
Then she took ayo and threw him in the sky he fell so hard the ground shook
Me: * crying hard * NOOO
Baby you need to help them they are not dead but she will kill them she's that powerful but your more powerful
Me : I can't she weakened me
Believe, baby just believe if you believe you can do anything and if you can't think about Mateo and Ayleo
Ok I tried to to get up but I feel back down
Katrina: aww look she trying save her friends
I looked at her with all hate then she pushed the tree off mateo It hurt me to see mateo and ayo hurt then she started touching on mateo that REALLY heated me it was over when she kissed him and out of no where I flew up like
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The I didn't even notice the noticeable but I flew and took tackled the shit out of her and smashed her face so hard over over and over agin to I knew she was dead after that I flew over to where Mateo was I looked lifeless
Me : what am I suppose to do
Baby think of what to do you got this I believe in you
So I started to think but nothing came to me till I go it got a flashback
As me a mama look at the little boy hanging from the tree crying his little heart out cause he was about to fall I see people crying screaming cause the little boy was feet in the tree and just before you know it the branch broke and the little boy fell people went to see it he's alive but he wasn't
Little boy mom : NOOOO MY BABY HE ALL I HAD
i looked at my mama she started to walk where the little boy was and ask the lady for something she must of agreed next thing I know my mama put her head to the little boy head and all we see it the little boy grasping for air people looked shock asking questions
Lady # 1 : how, how did you do that
Mama: prayer
But deep in me I knew it wasn't just prayer
Flashback over
That when it hit me I put my head to Mateo and he came back
Me : * relieved crying * omg mateo are you ok
Thank you mama
Mateo : * hugs her * yea ma I can't believe you save me
Me : yea you was put in my life for a reason I just can't let you die without a fight
Mateo : yea you ri WHAT WERE AYO
ME : oh sh* t I forgot about him hold on
I walked over to ayo so did Mateo I did the same thing to him like I did to Mateo boy he had me dead the way he gasp for air I was rolling
Ayo : * straight faced her * really I could had fully died and you laughing
Me : boy hush Im here u wouldn't have died for chilllax
Ayo : w. E thanks for saving me tho
Me : you welcome
After our little reunion we went home a relaxed like nothing happened
Wow I never written so much hope u like till the next chapter 😋😘🌸 byeweee