Shadow a.k.a. "Omega", The Assassin of Chaos

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Disclaimer : I do not own Percy Jackson because Annabeth owns him... PERIOD! And the books, animes, movies, and some characters are not owned by me.

A/N : One of the things I really hate is being accused of doing something you did not do. Especially if the situation is: You are home, browsing on your laptop and your best friend from elementary suddenly chatted you and said that 'you' made a letter for one of your friends saying you cheated. I'm an honor student back then, and that's like saying that I did not deserved that place. LIFE sucks. ~a true predicament of a friend of mine. I let her rant, in case she directed her anger at me. >.< 


The Salvare Squad: This elite team is made up of the strongest and the best warriors ever found in the Void. It consists of generals from different areas and all of them are commanded by Shadow, the Assassin of Chaos.

Alpha: Fhierence Reid, a demigod son of Apollo and blessed by the Egyptian god, Osiris, for serving under him for years after the god of the dead found him in an abandoned park. He is an expert in the field of archery and spear-throwing. He has yet to battle someone, excluding Chaos, Percy and some of the primordials, whom he can lose to. He is Shadow's second-in-command.

Beta: Briesesylyn Clarkson, a fallen angel (Taken from Fallen by Lauren Kate) She is one of the angels who has not decided on which side to choose and therefore, got involved in the Fall. Her nickname is Briseis and she has long accepted the fact that there are other gods besides the Throne.

Gamma: Rhealyn Rheist, a daughter of Aether, primordial of light. Born from a caring family, she ran away at the age of nine after realizing the danger she put them through. During an attack, she is found by Aether and taken in his home.

Delta: Cosmos No-Last-Name, a shade, meaning he is like a black substance that can take into any shape and pass through any kind of object, no matter how thick it is. He came from the planet of Reulychice, full of creatures like him.

Epsilon: Raven King, adopted son of Tartarus. His history is not recorded. He is also the commander of Elementals, people who rely more on their powers than weapons.

Zeta: Khean Spencer, a vampire prince in a coven in Jamaica. They are more powerful in the night, since they are under Nyx or Night's jurisdiction. He has a twin brother whom he get along with and they made a decision that he would be their coven's representative to work for the Creator while the said twin will lead.

Eta: Drake Laurent, an ultimatum mage (Taken from Avalon Web of Magic by Rachel Roberts) After Ravenswood had been made the home of magic, the three mages, Kara, Emily and Adriane, had been made queens of Aldenmor. There had been many mages born, and their powers are divided into seven, one of it is ultimatum. Like Kara's, they enhance other people's magic. Drake is the son of the leaders of the ultimatum mages, but was betrayed because of a rebellion.

Theta: Manurisse Ryle, a skilled agent from a planet similar to Earth, Krooz. She is once tricked in working for the enemy government but at the end, joined the other side, discovering she has a twin sister.

Iota: Margaulax Rune, a skilled agent in Krooz and also Manurisse's long-lost twin sister. She is kind and forgiving while Manurisse is the impulsive one.

Kappa: Xyrene Rein, a mortal who has many connections and also the heiress of Rein Enterprises. She is the neglected daughter of the famed Richard Rein. She can snap her fingers and everyone would do anything to please her. She also has this sort of power in her voice that puts you in a trance, kind of like charmspeak.

Shadow a.k.a. &quot;Omega&quot;, The Assassin of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now