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My earliest memories was that of the sounds of rumbling outside of my window as the echo of unfamiliar machinery past. A small music box beside my bed and I held my head against my pillows, I knew that I decided tonight was the night I would Find out what the noise under my bed was.
It was there every night, the noise of crashing waves underneath my bed, with claps of thunder. Mama never heard it, Nobody could, all except me, the little girl sleeping on the bed above the noise.
I finally pushed my body to move as I sat up, the comforter falling off of my body as I pulled myself off the bed and my small feet landed on the cold wood floor.
I pulled open my drawer and grabbed my flashlight, locket, and My music Box.
I pulled on a raincoat, And satchel. Well, not my satchel, It was our neighbor's, Jonathan's, satchel. I took it, but I was gonna give it back!
I Petted my sleeping dog, knowing I might not see him for a while. "I'll see you around, Bear."

I breathed out, And clutched my little raincoat, feeling the locket in my pockets and the music box in the satchel weighing down on my shoulder
I remembered one final thing an and ran over to my bed, and picked up a small doll. My great grandma gave it to Me, I put the small doll in my satchel with the music box.
I pushed the switch of the flashlight, lighting up my room and I laid down onto my stomach and scooted underneath the bed. I got to the very back of the bed, And nothing. No hidden doors, no secret openings, no notes from the previous owner telling of a treasure. Nothing.
I let out a sigh of defeat and began to scoot back out from underneath the bed, when Suddenly I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Like when you are in a roller coaster and you start going up, suddenly, I felt wind rushing past me as I heard thunder.
I was suddenly surrounded by the cold and My lungs would not breathe. I opened my eyes to only have then burn as I was surrounded by black,
I was in the ocean.
I began to swim up as best as my little body could as My head broke the surface and my lungs greedily took in the air.
I began to cough out the putrid salt water as I began to look around me for some hope.
Suddenly, Like a beam from heaven, I could see a light, and a tower.
I began to swim as fast as my little legs could toward the tower, which was about 40 meters away.
That was very far, but I needed to get there. I swam for hours, hoping to get there when I finally reached a wooden ladder.
My arms and legs were beginning to become numb, But I managed to grab to splintered wood and pulled myself up, only to immediately collapse upon the ground. My hair and nightgown were soaking. I pulled myself up and began to walk toward the tower,
I knew there was another word for it, But I forgot what people called it.
A lighthome?
A sunhouse?
Something like that.
I walked up the stone steps and looked at the big doors with a little note on it
I jumped up and grabbed the note, I pulled it down to see messy, scratchy handwriting across the it, several words being unreadable.
"Co-Colum-bee-ia" I spoke quietly, trying to pronounce the strange word.
Y ou

"Columbia is not saf for yo ooo"
I read aloud, I didn't know many of the words, "What's columbia? That sounds like a weird bone."
I said as I dropped the paper on the ground.
I pushed against the door, Shivering as cold wind past.
I got inside and immediately pulled off my raincoat and satchel, and ran over to a drawer on the opposite side of the room, I opened it up to see an oversized mens shirt that I could wear as a dress.
I peeled off the freezing dress and threw the shirt on over it And then put my raincoat on over it.
I continued looking through the drawer, finding a few silver coins with birds upon them. But other than that, nothing else.
I was warmer at least. I grabbed my coat and threw my coins into the satchel.
I hurried up the stairs up the tower, There must be someone here.
I found some food in the drawers, and a old man sleeping, but,
He smelled really bad.
I thought he might hurt me. So I just continued up the steps, finding more coins on the ground.
I continued to follow the trail of coins until I felt raindrops hitting the top of my head. I looked up, feeling the cold rain hitting my face. I could see the storm brewing as the wind became stronger.

I looked to the side, seeing a door with several bells on it.

I hurried over to the bells, seeing carvings on them. I gently touched the bells, hearing that each let out a different noise.

I messed around with the bells, creating a playful tune when the lights above the bells turned on.

Suddenly the sky began to let out roars of anger as the sky turned red.

I let out a shriek of fear as I turned away from the bells, back against the wall. Suddenly, the door opened and I fell backwards letting out a loud scream.I fell roughly against the ground as the world began to spin.

I sat up, clinging onto the strap of my satchel, letting out heavy breaths. I pulled myself back up, looking behind me to see a fancy red chair. I walked over the the fancy chair and took a seat on it. I got comfortable on the chair just as I heard fast footsteps approaching. I looked out the doorway seeing a dark figure.

"What the hell are you doing here girlie?" an angry male voice yelled.

I leaned back into the chair in fear and clinged onto the armrests, "I-I'm sorry sir," I stuttered out, "I'm Lost." I said as the man let out a sigh and began to speak again.

"It's Alright Little Missy, just jump outta that chair there and We'll find you your Daddy." The man said in a friendly tone as I nodded.

Just as I was about to jump off the chair, the door slammed shut as the red sky let out a cry.

I let out yelp of surprise as a pair of cuffs came off of the chair, chaining me to the red dentist-like chair.

I tried to pull away from the cuff, hearing the man hitting on the glass as his voice was deafened out by the rain.

I felt tears pricking at my eyes when I was suddenly spun around in the chair as the walls came closer together.

Suddenly, the chair flipped upside down, making my satchel hang off of me as exposed gears begin to churn and let out sparks.

I let out yells of fear as the chair went back to its natural position.

"Mommy!" I screamed as I fought against the restraints. Tears poured down my cheeks as a female voice began to speak, saying that I was going somewhere.

"NO! I wanna go home!!!" I screamed at the voice as I kept trying to pull my wrists out of the restraints. I felt my heartbeat echo in my ears as the voice continued on.

Suddenly, my stomach went into knots as the chair and the small room began to move into the air.

"Five thousand feet...ten thousand feet...fifteen thousand feet..." The voice spoke out as the storming clouds pass though my sight.

I felt the fear build up when suddenly light shone into the rocket, revealing a heaven-like city.




Sorry if this is kinda bad, i wrote this chapter a year ago and i wasnt the best writer back then.

also, this story will go into some pretty dark stuff, so i hope you're all pumped!!!

Lots of Love,

Rory W. 

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