new town

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My parents named me Charlotte because apparently it means I'm beautiful and wild. Honestly I don't see it. Charlotte doesn't suite me at all. I don't like my parents, they made us move to a new town after my brother Tyrone was murdered. Not going into TOOO much details lets just say there was a lot of blood and a knife. Luckily the murderer was found and it turned out to be Tyrone's best friend Rider, he got mad because Tyrone won a bet against him or something. Anyway we had to move into a new town.

I guess its a new start and I can be who I wanna be, but still I know no one here(!) what if no one likes me.

"CHARLOTTE!" I snap out of my daze and see my little sister Isabel staring at me annoyed. "I've been calling you for ages." wait what time is it? "Charlie."

"WHAT" I yell suddenly surprising myself. Isabel looks shocked and starts crying. "Isabel shut up! You're 6 years old not a baby!" She glares at me and then calls for mum who yells at me for making my stupid sister cry.

By the time we are at the new place I've almost lost my mind, they've been playing stupid songs and singing for half an hour! As soon as we pull up in the drive I swing open my door and jump out the car calling to my parents that I need some air which isn't exactly a lie as it was getting stuffy.

I find my way to a park and figure I'd just stand of to the side and mind my own business. I'm wearing a pair football sorts and a tank top, with my hair all scruffily in a hat so I don't look my best.

"Hey. What's you name? I'm Amelia, why don't you play some footie with the other boys?" A girl says quickly making me jump.

"I um I I'm Charlie... Ugh" I mutter not sure what else to say.

"Hmm hay Charlie. Gosh you're a bit scrawny and thin for a boy arentcha" she states making me go red. She thinks I'm a boy. Wow. Do I really look like a boy? "Come on! I'll introduce you to my brother and his mates." She says pulling my pale skinny arm and dragging me over to the boys. "OI NUTCASE!" Amelia yells, one of the boys spins around, he's quite tall and tanned.

"Ya right lassie?" He calls out in the same Scottish accent as Amelia. "'ose this then? He ya boyfriend?" He teased.

"Ew no as if! I told you already I don't like boys! I love Ruth!" Amelia replies slapping her brother. "Charlie, this is louie. Lou this is Charlie." She introduces us and louie nods at me.

"How old are ya? You look really young mate." Louie questions.

"I'm 13. How old are you?" I reply with a question.

"16-- OI LOOK OVA HERE FELLAS!" he yells and gestures to 6 other boys to come over, they all run over and say hi. "Boys this is Charlie. He's my sister's friend. He's new round 'ere"

"Hi charlie. I'm Steve." Says a smaller boy with ginger hair and glasses, he shakes my hand and pushes up his glasses. "This here is my brother Scott." Steve gestures towards another boy who looks exactly like him but is wearing a blue shirt not red.

"Sup char, the names Paul." Says a much taller and more muscular and shady looking man. He has black hair and brown eyes, he's also smoking a cigarette.

"I'm Thomas AKA twig." Calls a boy who looks my age and has blonde hair and green eyes, he's wearing a full man u football kit. He's doing keepiups.

"I'm seamus and this is my boy Dean." Informs a skinny boy who has a short hair cut and is wearing a cap, Dean has black curly hair and hazel skin, he's wearing a brown jacket and jeans. They look sweetly at eachother, I can tell they really love eachother. I nod at them all, my blue eyes staring at Paul who is looking suspicious about me. "Oi Charlie, you stick with us alright. Stay away from Paul. He's trouble." Seamus whispers to me, great.


After a while of playing football with the guys we all stop and most of them go pee in the bushes. Crap, they don't know im a girl! What do I do because I gottah pee! So I decided to run of into the woods that surround the park, I get deep into the woods so no one can see me I pull down my shorts and pee. Then suddenly I hear a rustle in the bushes, springing up I pull up my shorts and see who it is. Paul. Wtf

"I'm on to you kid. I know who you are." He whispers threatening.

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