Escape part 2

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Tabil ran down the hall, going the opposite way the group of chasing squids ran, his tentacles made a "t t t t" sound off the obsidian, if he could just get to the outside he may be able to get away from the attack squids.


deep in the castle in the same direction Tabil was heading in a cell sat a masked man with blond hair and red eyes, his out fit was that of a catholic priest, though over the front was what looked like a necklace, well as much as a necklace it could be with Herobrines' Face on it.(for those who don't know yet, this world in the story is the same world as The Tale of Lord Squid, where the souls that come into Minecraftia are reincarnated from places like earth, so i'm able to use earth descriptions like "Robes like a catholic priest" and still not break the feel of the world.) He sat in a calm position almost like he was meditating.The two guards watching him seemed to be asleep, one held in his hands a Hoverboard.

As Tabil came around the corner the two guards woke up and unsheathed their weapons, only to be cut down fast then they could think(these specific guards processed though at 3 second intervals)

The man stood

"Thank goodness someone-"

and Tabil left him in there

"Waitttttt , by the grace of his Majesty Herobrine, let me atleast out of the cell!"

He then noticed that the guards had dropped their keys, he began to reach for them but was having a difficult time.


Tabil continued running till he reached the docks, he didn't stop even after he was swimming, to any casual observer he apeared to "Run" through the water then actually swim in the water.

He broke twoards land and landed with a "plop!"

silently he though as he basked in the sun-

If i'm going to defeat Derpelox i'll need help.....time to call in a favor.

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