*Sorry this chapter is so short guys:( I'm at school so I've been trying to write while we're not doing work. Enjoy!:)*
Chapter 5:
Before you knew it, it was about 4:30. It was almost time to meet Zayn at the beach. You go to your suitcase and throw each item of clothes, one by one, behind your back. You finally decide on a nude colored sweater that falls off of your shoulder, white shorts and light brown sandals with a small pink jewels going down them. You brush your long, wavy hair and up on makeup. This time, you wore a bit more than before. You've applied a gold looking eyeshadow lightly to your lids, a thin line of eyeliner on your lash line and a lot is mascara to make your eyes pop. Stopping to study your appearance in the mirror, you looked your body up and down, turning every which way in order to make sure you looked good from every angle. You walked out of the back door and began to walk towards the beach. Something inside of you began to sink. It was your heart. Everything was becoming so real to you now. As you approached the beach, you start to see a silhouette. It was Zayn. There were candles and a blanked laid down on the sand. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. As you got closer, Zayn noticed you. He was so gorgeous. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt with khaki shorts. His navy blue sandals were thrown off to the side. "Hi," he gave you a nervous yet huge smile, "you look beautiful." he kissed you lightly on the cheek. He took your hand and walked you over to the blanket. There was a basket sitting there. He sat on the blanket and patted the spot next to him. You took the spot next to him and he flashed you another of those amazing smiles. "I've missed you all day," he took your hand and kissed it. Shocked, you didn't speak for about 45 seconds. "are you alright?" he asked with concern in his voice. "yes I'm fine. I just can't believe that you could be doing a million other things right now but you've chosen to be here with me." you admitted to him. "Micaela, why wouldn't I want to. You're such a beautiful girl and you have such a beautiful personality. I'd love to learn more about you." You could tell that his words were true and pure. He wasn't lying. "thank you Zayn. You don't know how much that means to me."
"so where did we leave off before I had to attend to my signing? You were talking about your parents' divorce correct, love?"
"yes," the word divorce made you cringe. You started the story. The story you dreaded telling the most. "they started fighting. All the time it seemed. It was always about how daddy was spending his money or about how he would always be out late. He claimed to be working, of course. Turns out he was spending the money on this other woman, her name was Claire. She worked with him. I guess they started seeing eachother a while before all of this came to light. One day, my dad was going to send flowers to her house but on accident, he gave the delivery people our address instead of Claire's. The flowers came to our house and my mother was ecstatic. First she thought that they were for her. Then, she picked up the card and read.
Dear Claire,
You are so amazing. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I love you. I'll see you tonight.
-Dan," as you finished quoting the letter you burst into tears. Zayn wrapped his arms around you. You cried into his chest. He ran his fingers through your hair and whispered into your ear "im here for you. Just please don't cry." When you began to breathe steadily again, he released you from his loving embrace. "when my dad got home, my mother threw the flowers at him violently. The divorce was final five months later. He moved away. He had cut things off with Claire ad he realized that what he had done was wrong. But I don't think I can ever fully forgive him for tearing our family apart."
Zayn lifted your head, grabbing you by your chin. He placed his lips on top of yours and began to kiss you passionately. He mumbled, mid-kiss, "I'm always here for you." He began to tickle you. You laughed hysterically. He picked you up and ran towards the calm ocean water. Unexpectedly, he threw you in. You two began splashing one another, and pushing one another under water. The moment soon turned serious. The two of you sat down just deep enough in the water to where your legs were covered. The waves were softly swaying your bodies. "Do you think it's possible to fall for someone in one day?" you ask. "yes. Because it happened to me." your heart sank a little bit. "with who?"
"You." his statement shocked you.