Chapter 2

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Olivia was shocked, she wanted to tell her friend what she saw but she just couldn't seem to do it so. Her friend noticed her face of shock and decided to ask her what was going on.

"He's just really hot Emma." Said Olivia trying to cover up her lie. Trying to cover up that she saw him with another girl. She just couldn't believe this guy right now. But she wasn't lying, that Justin guy was really hot, but he was also extremely douchey and unloyal from what Olivia could see.

"I know, and he's so sweet Olivia! You definitely need to meet him one day." Says Emma while laying down on her bed. Olivia gave Emma her phone back. She knew what was the right thing, she knew she needed to tell her friend what she knew, but she just couldn't. Emma finally found someone that made her really happy and Olivia didn't want to destroy that.

"Hopefully, I'm gonna take a bath Emma." Olivia said while picking up her towel and her clothes to go to the shower. Here on campus they didn't have the shower on the dorms, so they had to go to a place down the hall where there was a lot of showers that the students could use to take a bath. While on her way, Olivia noticed Samantha going down the hallway with her bright blue eyes judging everyone in sight. She was giving out some flyers about whatever thing the cheerleaders wanted to do know, at least that was Olivia's guess.

"Hey Blivia." Said Samantha looking at Olivia and smiling at her with her famous fake smile.

"Its Olivia." Said Olivia getting mad at the fact that this basic white girl hasn't learned her name yet.

"Whatever, this right here is an invite for a reunion the Chemistry Club is gonna be having this Friday. Everyone's welcomed, we accept idiots so you and your friend Emilia can totally come." Said Samantha while walking away with her six-inch heels.

"Her name is Emma." Olivia shouted just to let Samantha know she was misspelling the name of her friend.

"Whatever." She shouted from the other side of the hallway. She was definitely getting on Olivia's nerves. Olivia groaned and made her way towards the showers. There she let the hot water travel down her body until it reached her feet making the drops of water escape again, falling towards the floor. Hot water calmed Olivia down, it always does. When she was in high school, and everyone was giving her shit she would always go home and take a hot shower. That always relaxed her mind and muscles. The hot water seemed to calm Olivia down at the  end of the day, even though she seemed to worry again about her friend. What is that douche doing now? Is he with that girl, Harper? Those were the questions that kept Olivia wondering and worrying.

On the other hand, there was Justin. As cocky as can be. Making out in a couch with another one of his girls, which was Samantha.

"You make me feel as if I was the only girl in the world." Said Samantha while kissing Justin passionately. She kept rubbing his tattooed arms up and down. He really liked that.

"You may be not be the only girl in the world, but you're the only girl in my life." Said Justin while pulling away from her to start sucking on her neck. How could he? How does he dare to say that? Let's say he's had a lot of practice. He does this on a daily basis, must people say he's acting. But to him, it wasn't acting. It was a lifestyle.  Just when they were getting into it, Samantha's phone rang. It was her friend Polly. That seemed weird to Samantha, since Polly knows that she can't call her when she's with Justin. Samantha got up from the couch and picked up her phone.

"What is it?" Samantha spoke through her phone's microphone.

"I need help to set things for Friday, can you please come? My sister cancelled right now and I can't do all of this alone." Said Polly, her voice sounding really desperate at that moment. Meanwhile, Samantha was just angry that she interrupted her and Justin in the middle of something really important.

"That can wait Polly, you are such a crybaby." Said Samantha shaking her head on disbelief, she didn't need Polly's stupid begs for help right now.

"It can't wait! It's Wednesday and we don't even know what we're gonna talk about to the recruits, decorations, snacks... Everything is a mess over here!" Said Polly more desperate than before to Samantha. Even though Samantha was tired of Polly complaining, if something went wrong on Friday her reputation would be screwed up.

"Ok, I'm gonna be there on 10 minutes. Bye." Samantha said angrily hanging up the phone. Justin decided to sneak up behind her and started to place sloppy kisses on her neck.

"Don't. Leave. Now." Said Justin talking between kisses really seductively. Samantha was almost gonna give in again to Justin, but her conscience didn't let her. Only one thing in life was more important than Justin: her reputation. And she wasn't going to risk it for a boy. She had that thought really clear on her head.

"I have to babe." Said Samantha getting the enough strength to pull away from Justin and gather her things in order to leave. She picked up her purse and fixed her hair since it was a little messy from the make out session and went towards the door. Just when she opens the door, Justin takes her by her arm and turn her around.

"We up for tomorrow, right?" Said Justin really close to her ears causing her to shiver. But of course, she was way too stubborn to let Justin know how she was feeling.

"Tomorrow at 7 at the mall, yeah we up. Bye! Don't be late!" Said Samantha kissing him really quickly and closing the door behind her.

Samantha may seem like a cold bitch to anyone, including Justin, but on the inside she incredibly has feelings. Who would've known, right? The blue-eyed girl had feelings for Justin, and some deep ones. He made her feel unique, like if she couldn't be replaced. What she didn't know is Justin had a whole lot of replacements. She got in the car and drove towards college. When she arrived, Polly was already waiting for her outside.

"Oh my Gosh Samantha! Thank God you are here! I was going crazy!" Said Polly taking Samantha one her arms as she hugged her really tightly. Meanwhile, Samantha was just standing there feeling really annoyed by Polly's "exaggerated" actions as she would call it.

"Save all of this Polly, we are losing time." Said Samantha really grumpily. Polly obeyed her and decided to go inside to her dorm with Samantha following behind.

"So, did you call Bryan?" Said Samantha asking Polly about the guy who was supposed to bring the decorations to the opening of the club.

"Yeah, he said he'll bring the decorations tomorrow really early so we have the whole day tomorrow to decorate the place." Said Polly smiling at Samantha.

"Good, I'm going to sleep. Let me get my pj's." Said Samantha opening the door towards the closet inside of their dorm.

"Before you go to sleep, there might be people from the university down the road also, you know the one that's specialized in beauty, cosmetics and all of that stuff?" Said Polly informing Samantha about this at the last moment. Polly knew this since a week ago, she just didn't want to tell Samantha just in case she would get mad. Samantha got mad but decided to act calmed. Breathe in, breathe out.

"Ok Polly, just tell me next time." She fake smiled at Polly, but of course Polly thought it was real. With that she slammed the door. Yup, Samantha was mad, again. Weird right? Note the sarcasm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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