Part 3

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((After Class))

*Everyone inside the Cafeteria are all busy and doing their own business*

Anne: *walks inside the Cafeteria and tries to find a table with no one in it and sees an empty table almost at the end of the Cafeteria* Hm... this should do... *walks to the empty table and sits down and takes out a piece of paper and a pencil from her satchel* Now that I'm in this new dimension, I need to work on my new art style if I want to live here... now what should I draw for a practice?... *tries to remember everything she sees before and remembers Speedy* Hm... That guy looks nice... I should try sketching him.... I just hope that no one sees me...*starts sketching Speedy*

Speedy: *walks past Anne and stops to see what she's doing* Hm?

Anne: *sketching a drawing of Speedy and didn't mind anything*

Speedy: *leans forward to take a closer look and sees that she's drawing him and smiles*

Anne: *continues sketching and takes a look beside her for a second and she sees Speedy watching her and flips the paper over* 0-0 Um.... Hi?.....

Speedy: Oh, uh... did I scare you? Sorry, I was just checking what you're doing over there.

Anne: Uh....It's fine, I guess.... Aren't you suppose to go somewhere?....

Speedy: Well, yeah but, I just got a little bit distracted by what you're doing.

Anne: Oh, well... okay... *look down at the paper that she just flipped*

Speedy: *looks at the paper* Um, Is it okay if I take a look at that? *reaches his hand out to the paper*

Anne: *slides it away from Speedy's hand a little* Uh... sorry, It's not done yet...

Speedy: Well, can I just take a look at it? I won't judge much. *smiles and sits right beside Anne*

Anne: Um... okay... *slides the paper to Speedy*

Speedy: *gets the paper and takes a look at the drawing at the back* Wow, This looks very nice! I like your sketches.

Anne: Heh, well, Thanks. It's actually my first time drawing like this..

Speedy: Hm? *turns to Anne in confusion*

Anne: Uh!- I mean, I-It's my first time drawing a-a Portrait! Hehe... *smiles awkwardly*

Speedy: Well, you did great for a start.

Anne: Well, I tried...

Speedy: *stays quiet for a while and starts talking* You know, we haven't met properly yet. Well, we had met before but like, in a different way. Y-You know what I mean. *smiles awkwardly and reaches his hand out to Anne for a handshake* My name's Speedy, Speedy Catfish.

Anne: *turns to Speedy confused* Uh... Speedy... Catfish?...

Speedy: Is there something bothering you?

Anne: Well... It's just that, Speedy Catfish?... That's uh... different... and I mean, really different...

Speedy: Yeah, I know. But hey, It's Poptropica. Everyone can be anything, I mean, seriously, almost everyone in here is different. Mostly the name and looks, but you can tell right?

Anne: Uh...Clearly...*in her head: Is that what this dimension is really for?...*

Speedy: Anyways, What's your name?

Anne: Um... My name is Anne, Anne Perez.

Speedy: Anne, Perez? Now that's different.

Anne: Is there something wrong?...

Speedy: Uh!- No no no no no! Not really! I meant a different, different. I mean!- well, it's not like that you're ugly or anything. I MEAN!-

Anne: Um...You okay?...

Speedy: Oh, sorry about that.. *scratches head* Well, what I really meant is that, well, I've met many Poptropicans here in the City, but I've never met anyone like you before.. *smiles*

Anne: *turns to Speedy* You... you really think so?

Speedy: Of course! You're kind of like those special people I've met outside this City. Most of them are like, reaaally special. You know, like those super heroes from different Islands

Anne: Um... different... Islands?..... There's More??

Speedy: *confused look* You... seriously are not much of an outdoor person are you?

Anne: Uh- I mean, y-yes. I didn't go out much... *in her head: Way to blow your cover Genius!*

Speedy: Anyways, now that we met properly, *slides the drawing to Anne* I really want to see you draw. I won't bother at all. *smiles*

Anne: Well, okay... *gets the drawing and continues her sketch*

Speedy: *watches Anne as she puts in the finishing touches* You're pretty fast.

Anne: I'm always like this... *puts her signature and Speedy's Name at the side* Speedy...Catfish...Done! *gives it to Speedy* Here.

Speedy: You... you're really gonna give it to me?

Anne: Well, let's just say it's a thank you gift for helping me out back there. *smiles at Speedy*

Speedy: *gets the drawing and takes a look at it one more time* Heh... wow. This still looks amazing. Thanks. *folds it and places it inside his pocket* So, Anne...

Anne: Yeah?

Speedy: Since you're new to this place, would you mind me giving you a tour?

Anne: *thought about it for a second and smiles* Alright then. Just for a little while, okay?

Speedy: Great! *stands up and gives Anne his hand* Shall we?

Anne: *laughs a bit* Seriously? You know we just became friends right?

Speedy: Well missy, if you don't want to get lost, then you're gonna have to stick with me.

Anne: Alright, fine. Whatever you say mister. *smiles and grabs his hand and stands up* Are you always like this?

Speedy: Well, not all the time. I like to fool around sometimes. *walks out of the Cafeteria with Anne while talking to her*

*right across the table that Anne and Speedy were before is a table with three people in it, namely, Blue, Red, And Purple*

Blue: Oh ho ho ho ho... No wonder why he's with that girl... *smirks*

Red: *squeals* We should tell Fab about this!!!

Purple: We shouldn't yet. Besides, we should let him know first.

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