School ties

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First of all idk why this chapter is called school ties.. I can't think of a good name to call this chapter so I was random with the name lol sorry.

Jordan's point of veiw
My friends Maddie, Veronica, and Bri and I were walking down the hallway heading to U.S. History, when all of a sudden ...
I see this dude who thinks he's better than I am just cut in the middle of us.
I know who he is he's like in 4 of my classes but he annoys the shit out of me I think he's jealous because I'm a better actor than he is or something idk. His names Leo DiCaprio.
Leo: hey y'all I was wondering if y'all wanted to smoke outside the school this afternoon and after that skip school for the rest of the day?
Me: you know these three (who are Bri, Maddie, Veronica ) wouldn't do it they're too innocent.
Maddie: id do it!
She has a huge crush on him.
Leo: great how bout you sweetheart? (He asked me)
Me: idk i mean the other day you said that my acting wasn't so good so why would I hang with a douche who'd try and unfulfill my dreams eh? You know I'm not that type of person to take anyone's shit ight DiCaprio one more little insult and I'll jump you're ass.
By the way don't mess with me cause I'm dangerous.
Leo: ok gorgeous it was a joke calm the frick down! (He winked at me )
Me: I don't think it was a joke if you and Nathan were snickering at me in 6 hour. Was it that bad?
Leo: so what. That was Tuesday get over it Jordan. (That sassy bastard). Yeah it was bad.

Me: go to hell Dicraprio
Leo: whatever's babe!
  Anyways after all that ruckus my friends and I carried on we walked in the class took out seats and then Maddie said.
Maddie: don't you think he might've been joking around with you? I mean the way he looks at you and the badass way that you act I feel that he's attracted to you. You're so lucky. Why can't I be you? She whined I don't understand her sometimes.
Me: I really don't care if the bastard was jokin around me or not. You know that I think he's annoying as hell so he should really stop playin around with me if he is. Yeah Leo has a bad reputation. He goes around smokin weed and drinkin alcohol and then on weekends he goes to clubs and gets into LSD and ecstasy. So he's a pretty bad dude. I will tell you though he's good lookin but not really my type if you know what I mean. Maddie likes him because of his good looks and he's nice to her. I think the only reason of that is so that he could get some you know what honestly.
Maddie: well can you at least tell him that I like him? She begged. Oh what the hell.

Me: sure why not. I rolled my eyes.

Leo's point of veiw.
I'm sitting in Chemistry class thinkin about what I did the other day. Yeah I guess it was a little harsh. But the only reason why I joked with her was because I freakin love this girl. She is so my type. Good lookin, badass reputation, smarter than me, and she wants to act just like me. The only reason I acted like that the other day was because my friend Nathan has a crush on jordan too and I didn't want him to feel bad because we all know I'm the one that is gonna steal her heart eventually. Truth be told. I also didn't want her thinking that I'm all over her cause then she won't talk to me. Class ended and I saw her and Maddie walk to chemistry class cause they have the same teacher as me. Maddie walked in the room and Jordan pulled me by the collar of my shirt so she could talk to me. When she did that I thought it was hoooott.
Jordan: so I don't have time to mess around here so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Maddie likes you so can you just make her happy and go out wth her already. Wow. Idk about this. I'll do it for Jordan cause she's my world.
Me: sure why not.
Maddies not really my type she's too innocent for me but I know she likes me. I'm nice to her only because she's jordans friend.
Jordan: great thanks now she can shut up and I don't have to talk to you anymore.
Me: we have English and journalism class together. Don't you like me?
Jordan: honestly I think you're annoying. Ouch. But dam I can't resist her attractiveness. When she acts like this I think it's cute.
Me: oh okay baby. I just had to
Jordan: Be quiet and just do what you're told about what I asked you. She walked in the room
Me: I will in English so laters babe. I walked out and moved on to algebra II.

There will be a part 2 to this because I'm sleepy and would like to hit the hay. If it don't make since. It's because I'm tired so peace and blessings. Hope you enjoyed some of the story at least.

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