A view from the Bridge Monologue.

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A monologue written by Catherine to Mr Alfieri after Eddie's death.

I don't even know where to begin Mr. Alfieri. It just all happened in an instant, all of a sudden he was gone. Rage took over and justice and anger were present. Let me just start from the beginning.

Mine and Eddie's relationship was like nothing else I have ever felt before. Not even with Beatrice, it all seemed so normal, B would just be in the kitchen making supper whilst Eddie and I talked endlessly about my day, his day and it seemed we could put the world to rights together. There was one thing that I was just so naïve about though, he was always so overprotective! I remember a conversation once; he had just come back from a long day working on the waterfront, so naturally I was eager to make him comfortable. Immediately however, he commented that my new skirt (which was the new trend) was too short and he noticed how I 'fixed my hair different'. I had some exciting news! I had finally been offered a job at an office near where the longshoremen work, as a stenographer. I couldn't contain my excitement, I asked Eddie's permission and his reaction was less than overwhelming, he said 'It ain't what I had in mind' I was distraught but B just told me to clear the dishes 'Go baby go'. Beatrice must have worked her peacemaking magic as always, because finally he said 'Alright, take the job' I was ecstatic.

Our family situation was just like anyone else's, well so I thought. When the cousins arrived it gave me a real reality check. Anyway, Beatrice was forever making delicious meals for us to enjoy and Eddie went out to work the ships to provide for the family as you well know. He would always bring back some coffee for Beatrice and their relationship seemed to be going well, to be honest I didn't really take much notice of them both, I was always helping to clean and obey Eddie (which I realise now didn't really pay off) I will admit we were happy and when Eddie announced that 'Your cousins just got in B!' we couldn't wait. That night, about 2 hours before they had arrived Eddie had explained the Bolzano story. His own family 'snitched on him' to the immigration Bureau! The life around here is Italian moral code vs. American law and this proved to be quite difficult knowing when to obey which law, because as you know Mr. Alfieri I believe you once quoted 'A lawyer means the law' and in red Hook this is very important. He exclaimed that Vinny Bolzano's head was 'bouncing down the stairs like a coconut', Poor fella.

So the cousins arrived on September 9th and the first thing that struck me was my Rodolopho's blond hair and I remember whispering to Beatrice 'He's a real blond!' so that Eddie wouldn't hear. Eddie was more than welcoming and told them that 'we have plenty of room'. Beatrice was interested in the cousins and where they had come from so we sat down and chatted whilst drinking coffee. The cousins were so grateful they had arrived safely and soon Marco could send money from working to his wife and children back in Italy, they came with good intentions. You know the best bit? Rodolpho was not married. I think this is when Eddie realised I was falling for Rodolpho; he became more possessive than ever before and I could feel the tension between them. I just didn't understand why! Beatrice noticed and I think this took an influence on Eddie and Beatrice's relationship, I just keep thinking 'Was Eddie's death my fault? Well was it?'

Rodolpho sings 'Paper Doll like an angel, he can cook, sing and make dresses. Oh, I do love him. Eddie was even waiting for Rodolpho and I when we arrived back from the paramount and this was when Eddie's thoughts and feelings came to light. He explained that he thought Rodolpho was 'just after his papers' and I said 'I don't believe it' I ran inside and asked Beatrice for her advice. She said I need to start acting like a woman and not a baby, she was right. I just found it hard Mr. Alfieri. Eddie had always been there for me and disobeying him felt wrong but I realised that natural progression had to take place. I had to convince myself, night after night, I was doing nothing wrong. I became stronger. The tension between Rodolpho and Eddie also progressed and became more obvious as the days went by.

Eddie staggered in one night, more drunk than I have ever seen him. Rodolpho and I had confided in each other and Rodolpho knew now, I could see it in his eyes. Rodolpho and I had just been having so much fun and I was shocked to find Eddie had come back home as I walked out of the bedroom fastening my dress. What came next, well... just reliving the moment it's too much. Eddie was angry; actually he was more than angry. He went red faced, eyes like a predator that had just seen it's prey. He was focused and his over-protectiveness, which I thought was because he was my uncle and because he had promised my mother he would care for me, it turned out that his intentions and motives were all wrong. I just hope she wasn't looking down on us at the next moment in time. I feel sick. He violently grabbed me, pushed me up against himself and kissed me. He kissed me in front of Rodolpho, clear as day! As if this wasn't enough he pinned Rodolpho to the floor (Trying to show his masculinity, once again) and kissed him too! Why? That is the answer I would love to know the answer to! I shouted 'Leggo of him, I will kill you'. I will regret that until the day I die, I wish I hadn't have said that, I really do.

Lastly, after coming to see you Mr. Alfieri, Eddie did what he promised he would never do. He phoned the immigration bureau and got my gorgeous Rodolpho and his brother Marco arrested. I was speechless and Beatrice was distraught. As he was being taken away, Marco spat in Eddie's face! He was so frustrated. I also believe I must thank you Mr. Alfieri for paying for bail of my Rodolpho and Marco and of course for arranging mine and Rodolpho's wedding. That day however, was supposed to be the happiest day of my life and it turned out to be a day of mixed emotions. Consequently, Eddie was outraged at Marco's reaction towards him and he turned into an animal. Eddie lunged into Marco with a knife, however his plan didn't work and Marco turned Eddie's arm and... well, you know what happened next.

Eddie was previously a just and fair man, I am obviously filled with grief and I do not know if I will ever be able to forgive Marco for what he did to my beloved Eddie. Despite everything he did, I still love him and I know for definite he loves me, maybe just a little too much. So what happens now? I am happily married and I know that Rodolpho will look after me. Beatrice? She is a strong woman and with our support we will get through this. After all, I do think Eddie wanted us to be happy but this 'wasn't what he had in mind' I guess. My mother and Eddie will be looking down on us now and what is meant to be will be. I am finally free to spread my wings.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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