Chapter one

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Okay, Hi. My name is Arthur, and I'm being forced to do this. If you're reading this you're probably bored or just have some sort of Morbid curiosity, but here's the gist of it. See I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the entire universe, but there's an issue, she can't see me. And I don't mean in that sappy way where I mean she doesn't notice me or doesn't know I exist, no she ACTUALLY can't see me, or hear me. I'm a morph, I came from the "shadow realm" as my charge calls it, and because of the protective barrier around Earth, I am nothing when I come here. But is should probably start from the beginning since you probably have no idea what I'm blabbing about so, here's my story.

I was twenty thousand nine hundred and thirty eight when I got my first protection assignment. I was sent from my home realm to protect a young shadow walker on Earth. It was a group assignment, I was sent down with a young Asian looking siren named Adrian, a, I actually don't know what he is but he's got the wings of an eagle, his name was Matthew and Ron the Empath. I still remember that day, it was in 2004 on the Earth realm, we came down and met two guys who have been watching her since she was born. A wizard named Daniel, and a Harpee hybrid named Alex. They filled us in on all that we missed, which wasn't much, she was four. Her name was Casey and she was the last Shadow walker in any of the known realms and dimensions, so the coven sent us down to make sure she stayed safe.
"She can see and here us" Daniel nformed us "but she thinks we're mere shadows" that's when the label shadow was first introduced, she could see us but she couldn't really see us, we were only shadows to her and that's what she called us. It was interesting following her around, sometimes she'd actually bump into us, and in the cutest little voice she'd say,
"Sorry shadow" before going around us, but that's what happens when you look after a four year old I guess.

I was the only one who found her odd though, she'd continually speak to her grandfather, who had died just two years before, and even though we all saw the spirit, I was the only one who found it odd that a shadow walker could speak to the dead, we as shadows can't even do that. See a shadow walker is someone who wagers between good and evil, never really picking a side. They have extrodinary powers but being able to talk to the the dead is not one of them. Some creatures can see the dead, like mediums, psychics, wizards and morphs but only reapers and gate keepers can see and talk to them. Intigued I decided to sniff around her family history, but I found nothing of note.

One day in 2010, I stood at her bedside just watching her, by now she'd thought she'd gone crazy and is just seeing things. She is crazy make no mistake, she's broken more bones than a human female should, she has no friends and hangs out with mainly guys, so she's crazy alright, but not because she sees shadows following her everywhere. I was probably muttering something out loud because she woke up with a such fright that scared me out of my daze, she saw me, got scared and hid under the blankets as if that would protect her if I was some major threat. The night after that I had a thought, I got a few of the guys to stand over her bed with me, while she lay awake. She was an insomniac, probably our fault for scaring the poor child so much. But anyway she was laying awake and she saw us standing over the bed, she looked directly act me, but it wasn't fear in her eyes, it was tears, she'd been sobbing silently. She turned and stuffed her head under the cover before curling into a little ball,
"Why are you crying?" I asked, knowing that I was probably breaking a rule
"Shut up you're not real" I forgot that to her I'm just a figment of her diluted imagination.

Later that year I found out that she's being bullied, this kid actually went through a lot , but what can you expect from a shadow walker, they're crazy, but they're crazy strong. By now you're thinking this is the girl I fall in love with. Two things,
1. Don't jump the gun this is my story after all
2. She can see me.

I've watched her grow over the years, change from school to school go from trial to tribulation but she remained level headed which is actually very admirable, I know demons who'd break after going through half of what she experienced. The kids around her know she's different, so they don't much appreciate it. She likes books which I found weird. The next few years were kind of boring anyway. She'd go to school come back, go to school and come home, go to school and come home. Which was super lame so we decided to take shifts. She'd often go on holiday to this place called port Elizabeth where she'd visit her grandmother. We couldn't enter that house, we'd try but get blocked at the door by some sort of barrier. For the thousands of demons that followed her it was worse, they'd get banished. Did I forget to mention that bit? Ever since she changed into an all boys class she'd had demons following her, nasty ones too, they'd poke and prod and make the things she loves dissapear. You can imagine we had our hands full but we can handle it, we're kind of strong, especially me since I can morph into anything. The others were pushing me into choosing a single form so that I can be recognized, but I simply refused, there was no point, she can't see me and the girls in the other realm are basic basic to say the least. No no dating wasn't an option anymore, my life revolved around protecting this child and fighting off boredom. Although you could get some entertainment watching her. She'd often try to pick up new skills, like skating or life saving.

She loved to learn and I guess that made her weird here. Back in our realm she'd be celebrated and given a knighthood, at least that was under the previous queen, the current king is horrible. Made me glad I got this assignment by the sisters. They made me watch her on account of a prophecy they had. And who was I to refuse the sisters. Anyway as I was saying, she was considered weird. She didn't do much either, just aged and fought and learned and taught. She was surprisingly good at art aswell. But things were pretty stagnant , nothing very exciting or incredibly interesting ever really happened too her. Except that one fruitful holiday in 2014.

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