chapter 1: Where it all begins.

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Hi. I am Ramoana. I am 16, And this is the story of why I went crazy. It all started when we heard a knock at my door. Little did we know that one knock, could change my whole life. It was the year 2001. My older brother who was six years older than me, had gone out with some friends. His friends weren't the best influence. They got him into doing drugs and stealing. Later that night there was breaking news of a couple of teenage boys that had got mugged and killed. Panicking, my mom tried calling my brother. She called and called and called. No answers. So my dad and I went out for a drive to the crime scene and cops greeted my dad. And they didn't find his body, but they found his friends body's.  So we went home hoping he was okay and that he  managed to get away and was hiding. Then at the strike if midnight, my brother came knocking at the door and as soon as my dad opened it, my brother dropped dead. My dad yelled for mom to call 911 but she to busy screaming her face off. So I did. I had to explain to them we had found my brother, and he was laying dead on my doormat. They came and picked him up in a plastic bag and drove him off to a morgue where they would figure out how exactly he died. A few weeks later, we had a funeral. It takes up to 8 days after the funeral to hear back from the morgue. And exactly 8 days later we got a letter confirming that my brother was murdered. The report said that my brothers jaw had been broke, and his throat was cut on the inside. They found blades in his stomach and throat. Police and investigators tried everything to find the guy and when they did. He got away. I've never felt so much hate and betray in my life. I hate the man who tore my family apart. And I feel betrayed that the legal system let's a cold hearted killer get away so easily. Years later my mom became depressed, my dad became a drunk. And I, ended up in a crazy house for trying to kill myself. And now? Well now I've realized who's life I really should've been trying to take. My brothers killer. But I never would've thought it would get me in the second position my brother was in.

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