Chapter 2: My First Mission.

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At the time I had made up my mind. I was going to find my brothers killer and kill him. But I needed a plan.  And while I make this plan I have to be cautious.  Cautious not to get caught or leave evidence. And so I figured out first thing was first. I needed to find one of my brothers other friends. Ones that....weren't killed. After some digging around I found a boy named Damon. He was close. Friends with my brother and knew just about everything about him. Turns out my brother was in trouble with a drug dealer. My brother had purchased drugs but he never paid. They gave him one week to pay and when he didn't come up with the money, his thugs found them, killed his friends and kidnapped him, and tortured him. I never got the name of a person who works for him but I did get her cell phone number. So I called her and met up with her in an alley. Getting out of the house was more complicated than I had anticipated. Especially since I decided to carry a gun to protect myself.  But I got out. When I met up with the girl by the name of Ava, I knocked her out and put her in an empty wearhouse near by. I tied her to a chair and woke her up by shooting the floor.
"Who's in charge of the drug dealing here?" I ask angrily.
She smirks at me and spits at my feet.
"Like I'll tell you. Telling you is a death sentence. My boss will kill me. "
"And I will kill you if you don't tell me."
"I won't tell you. End. Of. Story."
Getting Ava to talk was harder than I thought It would be. So I had to turn to torture tactics.
"Fine."  I say losing patients
I slowly walk around the warehouse looking for sharp objects or even metal poles. And sure enough in the small dark corner there is a old rusted metal pole with a few nails on it. I pick it up slowly walking back to her.
"So, do you wanna change your answer?"
Again she spits at my feet.
" Okay have it your way"
I swing the metal pole like an axe over my shoulder and onto her leg with all my strength.
"Aahhhhaagghhhhaghhaghhag' she screams in agony. ' y-y-your sick"
"No. I'm desperate. Now tell me. Who. Runs. The. Drugs. Here."
She says nothing still. So again I swing the pole with all my might.
"Ssssssshit, ahhhh," she screams in even more pain than before.
"Okay okay' she mumbles in defeat. ' The drug dealer in charge here is Ajax. He stays in the motel most nights. "
"And the nights he doesn't ?"
" He's dealing. "
Satisfied I simply say" thank you."  Then I put a bullet through her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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