Jack's note

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                                   ~Hailee POV~

Hailee was watching TV,when she heard a knock at the door.She refused to answer at first.But then she went to answer the door.When opened the door she saw a pumpkin that said "Look inside me." She opened the pumpkin and there was a note that said
"Dear Hailee,
I have question,it's about why are you mad at me?
I thought we were friends.I never like anyone more then you.I hope we can be still be friends,since I crossed the line.If not,I understand because I am ugly."

Jack Myers
As you requested • Darkihearted, I write a chapter as you asked.That's goes for everyone,if you ask for update or a request for a book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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